South Danbury Church — March News

By Linda Wilson

SOUTH DANBURY — Sunday worship at the South Danbury Church is at 11 AM. Everyone is invited and all are welcome.

Thank you to everyone who supports and participates in South Danbury Church activities! We are especially grateful for your donations to the “South Danbury Church Essential Home Goods Shelf” at the Danbury Community Center. The (non-food) home goods collection began during Covid with a suggestion from Rev. Gail Kinney, and thanks to Kendra Braley, the DCC hosts it. 

Contributions are always welcome, and can be brought to the DCC or to church services and events. Personal care items are especially helpful.

We are looking forward to many special events in 2025. We especially thank the New Hampshire Humanities “Humanities to Go” program and Bonnie Nichols for making those and other events possible, and The Beacon and Danbury Community Center News for sharing announcements of our programs with a far wider audience than we could reach on our own. 

We are so fortunate to have such helpful friends! We’re grateful that our neighbors and friends in Danbury and beyond are eager to enjoy the Humanities to Go programs and other events at our church.

For church news, programs, events, and announcements of worship services, follow us on Facebook at “Friends of the South Danbury Christian Church,” watch for the outdoor sign at the church, call/text 603 744-8073, or email If you would like to be on our mailing list, send us an email. Please contact us if you need a ride to attend worship or events. We’ll be happy to help.

South Danbury Church, 1411 U.S. Route 4, South Danbury, NH 03230. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ, UCC. Our church is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.