Third and fourth grade students had a wonderful time making homemade dog biscuits with Ms. Young in the AEMS kitchen. Lucky dogs in town were the recipients of their work. Pictured: Joanne Young, Brenden Miller, Brynne Makechnie, Sasha MacKenzie, Lilly Carlson, Garrett Niemyer, Julianna Baptiste

"Ben Yusko, MVHS freshman and former AEMS student, returned to AEMS for SHARE Day and taught students how to make flowers and other shapes out of fondant to decorate cupcakes. Yum!" Pictured: Emmy Abrahamson, Desiree Langlois, Emma Davis, Ruth Anderson, Brianna Tilton, Anthony Hammond, Aaron Weeks, Sierra Provost. Teachers in background: Mrs. Tiede and Mrs. Lemeris.

A SHARE Day favorite is the Beaded Bugs workshop. Kait shows the students how to use colorful seed beads to make insects, jewelry, and decorations. Pictured: Kait Armstong, Lauryn Rivet, Aurora Przybyla, Jeremy Johnson, Kathryn Thompson.

"Everyone wanted to be in the Rocketry workshop! Students were able to decorate and launch rockets." Pictured: Brian Reynolds, Noah Newton, Logan Farley, David Reynolds, Wyatt Serena, Ronan Walsh, Aidan Kellogg, Ryan Methven, Madalyn Goodwin, Betsy Buswell, Chris Buswell

"Students in grades 3-8 had the opportunity to make bath fizzies with Sarah Edmunds, the middle school language arts teacher. AEMS still smells wonderful!" Pictured: Chloe Methven, Kenzie Emeny, Shannen O'Donnell, Annika Johnson, Lilly Menard, Gloriana Brown, Julianna Baptiste, Cedar Kiedaisch, Betsy Abrahamson, Carmen Ayala, Sarah Edmunds- Teacher Instructing

SHARE Day 2013, Tie-Dye Class: First and second graders tie-dyed shirts for themselves, plus a special one for Gisela Darling in honor of her having planned and organized SHARE Day for many years. Photo: Mike Wiley

SHARE Day 2013, Sushi Class: Sixth graders Zack Vandebacoer and Nelson Makechnie are about to enjoy the sushi they made. Only veggies and rice - no raw fish needed! Photo and caption: Amanda Lauster