MVHS graduated 17 Andover students in the class of 2013 on June 15, many of them with significant honors:
2013 Class Officers
President: Mariah Lansdown
Vice President: Marissa Laro
Treasurer: Shrief Elmasry
Top 10 Class Ranking
2nd (Salutatorian): Kristi Perreault
6th: Mariah Lansdown
7th: Alexis King
National Honor Society
Kristi Perreault
Alexis King
Mariah Lansdown
National Art Honor Society
Alexis King
Stephanie Croteau
Mariah Lansdown
President’s Award for Academic Excellence
Mariah Lansdown
Kristi Perreault
Principal’s Award for Academic Excellence
Jason Ashburn
Stephanie Croteau
Alexis King
Mariah Lansdown
Marissa Laro
Kristi Perreault
American Legion #31: Stephanie Croteau
Andover Lions Club: Marissa Laro
Andover Service Club: Mariah Lansdown, Kristi Perreault
Champlain College: Marissa Laro
Franklin Savings Bank: Stephanie Croteau
Gordon College: Mariah Lansdown
Horace Chase Lodge: Kristi Perreault
Marion Gray Business Award: Marissa Laro
MV School Administrators Association: Alexis King
New Hampshire Technical Institute: Shrief Elmasry
Peter J. Murphy Award: Daiquiri Przybyla
Red Sox Foundation: Mariah Lansdown
Roger Williams University: Kristi Perreault
Stetson Scholarship: Mariah Lansdown
University of Maine: Stephanie Croteau
The Beacon thanks Kimberly Laro for her help in gathering this information and arranging for the photo!