Disabled Veterans to Enjoy the Northern Rail Trail

Cheer them on at Potter Place July 23 and 24

By Lindy Heim, FNRT
This year isn't the first time the NEHSA veterans have enjoyed the Rail Trail from Potter Place to Eagle Pond. Come cheer them on this year on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 23 and 24. Photo: Lindy Heim
This year isn’t the first time the NEHSA veterans have enjoyed the Rail Trail from Potter Place to Eagle Pond. Come cheer them on again this year on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 23 and 24. Photo: Lindy Heim

The New England Summer Sports Clinic for Veterans, sponsored by the Boston VA Healthcare System and New England Handicapped Sports Association (NEHSA) in Sunapee, is a wonderful event planned for disabled veterans on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 23 and 24, on the Northern Rail Trail in Andover.

“Veterans involved in adaptive sports activities benefit from positive connections with the community and from nature,” says Ralph Marche, Chief of Voluntary and Recreation Therapy Service at the Boston VA. This summer, the organizers have chosen the Northern Rail Trail to stage their activities because of its beauty, bike-friendly surface, wide expanse, and 1% maximum grade.

Four teams of participants will set out on the rail trail on Tuesday and Wednesday, July 23 and 24, beginning at the Potter Place trailhead in Andover. Heading out at 9 AM and 1 PM on each day, these groups of 15 to 20 veterans and their staff will operate cycles, some of which are specially designed bikes or trikes that feature a drive train powered by the arms rather than the legs.

Athletes will ride up and back on a two-mile stretch going north from Potter Place to Eagle Pond at mile marker 36.6 on Route 4.

Area folks are stepping up in support of the veterans. Local volunteers will offer refreshments to the athletes and cheer them on as they set out on their ride. Byron’s Septic Service of Andover is donating the use of a handicapped porta-potty for the occasion. The Andover Fourth of July Committee will hang patriotic signage along the trail. The Andover Historical Society is allowing use of their grounds for the event. And the Friends of the Northern Rail Trail (FNRT) will mow the trail sides and are delighted that disabled citizens are making use of the rail trail, whose features give these athletes easy access to the outdoors.

For more information on the event contact Kelly Cossaboom at kelly.cossaboom@nullva.gov. For more information on the Northern Rail Trail, downloadable maps, and membership opportunities, visit FNRT.org.