Andover Elementary/Middle School’s SHARE Day (See How the Arts Reach Everyone) was started by a small but very active PTO in 1989. That means 2013’s event, held on May 17, marked its 25th year!
SHARE Day is special because it brings artists, outdoor enthusiasts, craftspeople, and musicians from Andover and surrounding communities into the AE/MS classrooms to share their wealth of talent and passion with the students.
Though SHARE Day requires a lot of volunteer time and preparation, it is worth it because the day has become a highlight of the school year. Ask students what their favorite school day is, and they will most likely respond, “SHARE Day and Field Day!” Everybody who participates looks forward to the next SHARE Day.
Third through eighth grade students were able to choose from 38 different workshops this year, offered by community members, Proctor faculty, and AE/MS staff. Students identify four workshop preferences and then are placed in two of the four workshops.
First and second graders attended different activities, more scaled down in time and geared to their abilities. Their activities included making pillows and tie-dye t-shirts.
There were two workshops in the morning, each two hours long. In the afternoon, while students ate lunch, SHARE Day volunteers were treated to a luncheon catered by Laura Powers. After lunch, students and all other SHARE Day participants gathered for an all-school assembly, complete with entertainment. This year’s entertainment was the Baker Valley Band conducted by Mr. Hubert, the music teacher at the school.
In addition, tables set up in the gym displayed the various projects that students made during the workshops. Below is the list of 2013 workshops and the corresponding workshop leader:
Aboriginal Art of Australia: Lynne Bartlett (Proctor)
Beaded Bugs: Kait Armstrong
Cake Decoration: Louise Carey
Carving Your Own Sign: Seth Kiedaisch
Chocolate Chip Cookies: Pam Brown
Clay Pots: Patrice Martin (Proctor)
Climbing Wall: Tom Morgan (Proctor)
Copper Bracelet: Kristine Lane (staff)
Copper Ring: Kristine Lane (staff)
Cupcake Decoration: Ben Yusko (former student)
Duct Tape Wallet: Becca Lance (former student)
Field Hockey: Kim Kenney
Fimo Bead-Making: Brenda Lance (staff)
Fly Fishing: Jay Hubbard (staff)
Food for Fido: Joanne Young (staff)
Fun with Fizzies: Sarah Edmunds (staff)
Gimp Forever: Anne Parke
Golf: Tim Norris and Howard George
Introduction to Horses: Allison Barry
Intel Loom Weaving: William Burris
Hula Hooping: Anne Mackennzie (Proctor)
Karate: Heidi and Nick (former student) Terwilliger
Macrame: Robyn Haynes
Mosaic Picture Frames: Robyn Haynes
Mountain Biking: Peter Southworth (Proctor)
Nature Photography: Lynn Tiede and Heidi Unger
Needlepoint on Canvas: Anne Hewitt (staff)
Notebooks: Rosie Best
Painted Vases: Anne Hewitt (staff)
Playing around with Brass Instruments: Paul Currier
Reverse Tie-dying: Joanna Seeley
Rockets: Betsy and Chris Buswell and Brian Reynolds
School Garden: Katherine Darling (former student)
Super Heroes: Linda DeMinico and Stephanie Peters (staff)
Swing Dancing: Holly Noyes (former student)
Creative Woodworking: Harvey Best
You see Sushi!: Amanda Lauster and Stephanie van Horn (staff)
Zumba, Fitness Fun!: Michelle Keezer (staff)
Aside from the workshop leaders, there are many other volunteers as well!
A big “Thank you” to everybody – the workshop leaders, volunteers, and Proctor Academy for their many years of support for this great day! This day couldn’t happen without the outstanding community involvement.
It is also very satisfying to note that former AE/MS students have been returning to offer SHARE Day workshops of their own.
If you would like to be part of SHARE Day next year – as a workshop leader or as a volunteer – or if you know someone who might like to host a workshop, please contact Gisela Darling (workshop coordinator) at 735-5681 or SDarling@nulltds.net, or the school at 735-5494.