Andover High School Classes Enjoy 2013 Reunion

Last graduating class marks 50 years

By Judy Perreault, AHS '53

I know we said we’d have the coffeepot on, but it was too darn hot. But the weather didn’t discourage nearly 50 folks from attending the annual Andover High School reunion on July 6 in South Danbury.

After some reminiscing, we began opening ceremonies with a rousing Andover High cheer. The class of 1958 got to hold the letters, as they were celebrating 55 years. They were meeting later for a little get-together on Mount Kearsage.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Gay Ellen Rayno sang God Bless America. We had a moment of silence for our classmates who died this year: Lyman Currier ’41, Wallace Currier ’48, Ernest Currier ’46, George Gove ’48, Faye Mahoney Paris ’59, Charlotte Matava Prince ’43, Janice Huntoon Woodward ’57, Paul Sanborn ’51, Dorothy Young Kimball ’41, and Polly Corson, wife of Principal George Corson.

Pictures were taken, and a brief secretary and treasurer report was read. Classes represented were ’39, ’41, ’42, ’45, ’47, ’48, ’49, ’50, ’51, ’53, ’54, ’55, ’56, ’57, ’58, ’62, and ’63.

The first graduating class of students that started their freshman year at the new high school was 1938. Freddy Shaw was from that class but was unable to attend. It is pretty amazing that we have so many attend, considering the last graduating class was 50 years ago.

Walt Walker ’49 read a note of greeting from Harold Crane ’49,  who was sorry not to be able to attend but is hoping to be with us next year.

Prizes were awarded. Sue Roberts ’58 won for the most pets. She received a stuffed dog and a pooper scooper. We had two former cheerleaders, Ellie George and Judy Barrett, in attendance. They received megaphones and blue tasseled pom-poms. They led us in an Andover High team cheer.

John Wentworth had the closest guess for the jar of M&Ms. There were 1,137, and he guessed 1,200. Bonnie Moe had the most conservative guess, with 158, and Jim Rayno operated on the premise “Go big or go home” with a bid of 7,139. You know where he went. It was so hot that some of the M&Ms started to melt in the jar. The Italian Basket door prize was won by Judy Rayno.

Chet Martin had brought a page of sports memorabilia with some basketball statistics. He and Carolyn Thompson Currier were high scorers for a particular basketball season. It’s been a long time since some of us strutted our stuff on any field. We have great memories though, and that is what the reunion is all about.

Donny Corliss and Kenny Newcomb spent a lot of time going through the memorabilia. I’m sure they had some good times at AHS.

We had a delicious pot luck lunch with a wide variety of desserts.

Folks departed soon after lunch for the lake or air-conditioned homes. There was a bit of a breeze at the Ordway Recreational Area, so the heat was bearable in the early part of the day

Thanks to the AHS committee who faithfully plan and send out the postcards each year: Judy Barrett ’54, Shirley Currier ’54, Pat (Toot) Fleury ’54, Lily Ordway ’53, and Judy Perreault ’53.

We are planning on doing it again next year. See you in 2014.