Shine up your motorcycle and join us for the 11th annual Brenda’s Ride with Friends: Fighting Cancer One Mile at a Time event on Saturday, August 17, hosted by the Weirs Beach Lobster Pound.
The Ride will start at 10 AM sharp from the Weirs Beach Lobster Pound as hundreds of motorcycles depart together for a beautiful ride around Lake Winnipesaukee. The Ride will arrive back at the Lobster Pound in the early afternoon for a cook-out, raffles, and live music courtesy of Matt Langley and the band AXIS. Proceeds from this great event will be kept local, benefitting the Oncology Department and patients at LRGHealthcare.
The cost to ride is $25 pre-registered or $30 the day of the event and includes food and entertainment. Everyone is welcome! If you do not plan to ride, we encourage you to stop by in the early afternoon to wave in the riders and to enjoy some delicious food, great music, and the company of other Brenda’s Ride supporters. The more, the merrier! A small donation is encouraged.
The Winner’s Circle Auto Sales, Inc. in Tilton is the $1,000 Gold Sponsor of the 2013 Brenda’s Ride. Joining them are $500 Silver Sponsors The Looney Bin Bar and Grill and Pilgrim Consolidators, in addition to several shirt sponsors, auction donors, and in-kind supporters.
For more information on how you or your business might support the 2013 Brenda’s Ride, please contact Brenda Ganong at 581-6992 or visit LRGH.org to download a registration form for the ride.