We are off to a great new year here at Imagination Inn. We enjoyed a Back to School Fun Family Night. The children searched the “school” for ten fish swimming through the building. Each classroom had a fun, hands-on activity to explore. The Panda classroom laced spaghetti and Cheerios, and the Tiger room had a wonderful fall sensory table filled with pinecones and festive outdoor items and a large mural the children created by rubbing leaves.
The Bouncy Bears filled their outdoor pools with bouncy balls, and the Marvelous Monkey room made large bags to explore filled with gels, shaving cream, and finger paint. It was a wonderful way to kick off the fun year ahead. Of course, our generous and amazing parents made sure there were plenty of treats to enjoy.
We welcomed back Studio C and Christopher. I have had the privilege of knowing Christopher for the past 15 years, and he has always done an amazing job capturing our little ones. Once again, he did an amazing job making our school picture day a great one, and we look forward to having him return again in the spring.
Imagination Inn continues to grow. We welcomed a new Afterschool Adventurer to our team, Tim Cline. Jessica and Tim share the afternoons with our Adventurers as we say good bye to Ms. Ashley. Ashley has been a wonderful part of our team here at Imagination Inn. Ashley is enjoying her last month of pregnancy and is ready to spend some time at home once her little boy arrives. We are sad to see Ms. Ashley go, but know she will continue to be a part of our family here at Imagination Inn. We are sending lots of hugs and good wishes her way.
October here at the Inn happens to be one of my favorite months. Our halls will be decked in Halloween magic as we welcome the fall weather and the spooky creatures that begin to haunt our halls. We will be walking the campus, visiting Jake’s Market, our friends at Lake Sunapee Bank, and the surrounding area as we trick or treat around the Inn. It’s always fun to see our classroom welcome the fall weather and the excitement that fall brings.
We will once again enjoy a Halloween Family Night, where children wear their costumes and families tour our haunted hallways. We will be feeling slimy things, making creepy creations, and making sure a few Halloween surprises are on “hand” (hint, hint).
Children will be visiting a local orchard, mixing up some applesauce, and watching as the leaves outside our windows change and fall to the ground. We are ready to welcome the crisp fall air, the scents of the season, and the magic that comes with fall in New England.