They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it takes just as many people to send two incredible dogs and their handlers to the United States Disc Dog Nationals (USDDN) Disc Dog World Finals!
Jessica Davis and her cattle collie Gracie, both Andover residents, and Laura Campbell and her Australian Shepherd Ripley, both of Pembroke, are competitive members from the Granite State Disc Dogs club, and they all have qualified to compete in the World Finals!
For those who are unfamiliar with disc, disc dogs are teams of dogs and their handlers who perform a routine of difficult Frisbee catches, which usually require the dog to catch the disc from a long way out, or close to their handler. They sometimes will vault off their handler’s back, catching the disc in mid-air. Many times the dog will twist and turn, doing half-flips in the air. It is an amazing way to bond with your dog, and it’s a great way to positively channel your dog’s energy.
For Gracie and Ripley, it is their life and purpose. They have such a passion for the game that it is unbelievable to watch.
This year, the World Finals will be held on October 12 and 13 in Cartersville, Georgia. Competitive teams from all over the world gather together to enjoy the bonds they have with their dogs and compete for the title of champion. This is Gracie and Ripley’s first time qualifying, and they are just itching to go!
Gracie and Ripley are both second chance dogs, meaning they lost their first homes. They are getting older, too, as they are both around seven years old. This is their first time qualifying for the World Finals, and this will be their only chance to compete.
However, the trip will be expensive. To send Gracie and Ripley to the World Finals, they will need help from the community. If you would like to help by sending a little bit of money, please feel free to send it to Gracie & Ripley, c/o Jessica Davis, 60 Depot Street, Andover 03216.
Please help these dogs get down to Georgia and the championship. Gracie and Ripley, and their handlers, will all be equally grateful for any support that comes their way!