The AE/MS second grade went on its annual bug hunt at Proctor Meadow and on the rail trail. The sharp-eyed seven- and eight-year olds managed to find many interesting insects.
At one point, they came around a corner and walked into a “festival” of yellow butterflies. Chloe Colby captured one for closer study.
Delaney Young, who is interested in all living things, observed her insects closely, too. All the insects were released back into their natural habitat at the end of the hike.
Besides seeing the usual grasshoppers, leaf hoppers, crickets, caterpillars, butterflies, and bees, we found tiny tree frogs and salamanders, both of which are insect predators. Ms. Hildebrand found some goldenrod gall fly galls, and we opened them up to discover the larvae inside. Goldenrod gall flies do not live a very long or exciting life. In fact, they do not really fly. Learn more at TinyURL.com/Beacon-Gall-Fly.