AE/MS Open Houses are underway. A well-attended Open House for families of fifth through eighth grade students was held on September 12. Families toured classrooms, met new staff members, heard about new activities and technology, learned curriculum expectations, and ended the evening by winning fabulous prizes.
The kindergarten through fourth grade Open House was held on September 26. Enthusiastic students toured their parents throughout the building and shareed how they spend their school day. The evening ended with cookies and milk in the gym.
Ms. Keezer has added a new component to her middle school math classes. Each student now has their own Khan Academy account, where math activities and quizzes are geared toward their skill level. Ms. Keezer and parents can monitor progress on the student accounts. The adaptive program enables students to get skills reinforced and at the same time challenge those students who are ready for higher math. Grades one through three also have a supplemental computerized math program that is more geared for primary grades.
There is excitement coming from the second grade classrooms. Their mealworms have arrived! Each student has two mealworms to observe and record data. The mealworms are part of the insect curriculum.
The mealworms are the larval stage of the Darkling Beetle. Of course, the students have all named their mealworms based on their personalities or lack thereof.
School breakfast and lunch payments are now automated at AE/MS. Families can monitor their child’s account online. Students have PIN numbers and are doing really well transitioning to the new system. Students use the system for breakfast, snack beverage, and lunch.
School pictures were taken in September. A picture retake day is scheduled for Friday, November 1. All students receive class pictures, whether they purchase picture packages or not.
The first official meeting of the AE/MS Parent Teacher Organization was on September 30. This first meeting focused on the search process for a new superintendent. The consultant in charge of the process hoped to get feedback from Andover residents as to what qualities they are looking for in a new superintendent. The meeting was open to all parents and interested community members.
AE/MS sportswear will soon be for sale. The PTO will be distributing order forms and information soon. Community members interested can contact the school office. Sportswear will arrive in time for Christmas.
Testing, Testing, Testing
The final New England Compact Assessment Program (NECAP) assessment will be administered to students in grades three through eight in October. NECAP will be replaced by the Smarter Balanced Assessment beginning in 2015. Assessments include reading, writing, and mathematics.
International Walk to School Day is Wednesday, October 9. Students arrive at school and then re-board buses in their grade-level groups with staff members. Students and staff members are then dropped off at three locations on the Rail Trail to walk back to school. Upon arrival back at school, there will be fresh fruit, water, and music in the gym.
Want to see some great soccer? The AE/MS Jamboree will be held on Carr Field on Saturday, October 12. Many local middle school teams will participate. Absolutely scrumptious food can be purchased at the snack bar run by AE/MS parents.
Fire Prevention Week
Safety is the focus on Monday, October 7. Andover firefighters and rescue personnel will spend the day at AE/MS working with all students. There are interesting presentations and activities for all ages as part of Fire Prevention Week. The students will begin their day with bus evacuation drills.
Math Night is Thursday, October 24. We love math! Math Night includes games and activities for all school-aged children and adults. Many families say Math Night is their favorite AE/MS event. Plan on joining the fun!
We are still collecting Box Tops for Education. Every Box Top is worth 10 cents, and it adds up quickly. Box Top money goes toward playground improvements and equipment. Please consider collecting Box Tops for AE/MS.