September 18
Condensed from approved minutes
Present: Steve Darling, Craig Heim, Lindy Heim, Charles Martin, Ellsworth Morton, Joyce Morton, Peter Southworth, and Bob Ward.
1. Approval of August 21, 2013 minutes. Moved, seconded, and approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report. Steve reported on our checking balance as well as a recent grant from the Brown Foundation.
3. Correspondence. We received responses on two grants.
4. Old Business
a. Action items (all). Lindy updated the action items.
b. Maintenance: report from Maintenance Subcommittee (Peter and Tom). We discussed inviting the three snowmobile club Trailmasters to a future meeting to coordinate and schedule maintenance (branch trimming).
c. Technology report (Steve Darling). No discussion.
d. RTP 2013 update (Alex)
e. Purchase of pop up tent (Bob). Bob found a customized 10′ x 10′ pop up tent for approximately $1000.00. We will continue to research options.
f. Law Enforcement’s Special Olympics on Rail Trail September 27, 2014: Bob will contact Pecco for a report at the Pot luck Supper.
g. New Hampshire Bicycle/Pedestrian Grant. An anonymous donor wants to fund New Hampshire bicycle building projects. Craig noted we have 6.2 miles of trail remaining to build at $14, 500 per mile of construction costs. This means we need a total of $90, 000. We decided to request half of the final two miles of building costs, $15, 000.
5. New Business
a. Upcoming meetings and events. The Peter Crowell ride: 10 AM on Sat, October 12th at Potter Place. Potluck Supper at Highland Lake Inn: Wed, Nov. 20th. A movie “The Weight of the Nation” about obesity will be followed by a discussion on October 16th in Franklin (Bessie Rowell Community Center). There is a buffet at 5:00 and the movie starts at 5:30.
b. Golden Spike Award. Carried.
c. Homeless people along the trail in Franklin. We will ask Steve Rayno to keep an eye on the situation. We felt magnetized FNRT logos should be put on any personal vehicles being used on the trail for maintenance. Lindy will get estimates for these.
d. The new Fish & Game officer is Kris– her number to call for problems on the rail trail is 603 744 5470.
e. The October meeting is postponed to the 23rd so that we can attend the Franklin dinner and movie on obesity.