Friends of the Northern Rail Trail Minutes, October 23, 2013

3.9 new miles of trail completed

October 23

Condensed from draft minutes

Present: Steve Darling, Tom Frantz, Lindy Heim, Craig Heim, Charles Martin, Ellsworth Morton, Steve Rayno, Nita Tomaszewski, Bob Ward

1. The September 18 minutes were approved.

2. Treasurer’s Report was accepted with temporary figures.

3. Correspondence. None except for a hand-delivered donation.

4. Old Business

a. Action items (all): Lindy read Myra’s list of current tasks.

b. Maintenance: After a good discussion, Tom Frantz proposed inviting a licensed herbicide specialist he respects to come before the board to educate us on the use of the next generation of chemicals after Round Up. This is for educational purposes only.

c. Technology Report (Steve): Bills are consistent and punctual. Steve will present our Web host with updated rail trail information. Charles Martin suggested that we ask Heather Turner to organize our testimonial page in a more efficient and user-friendly way.

d. RTP

i. 2013 update: Nita, Steve, and Ellsworth said building of the 3.9 miles of new trail went smoothly and quickly. Nita is presently collecting receipts and volunteer hours to apply for RTP reimbursement. Bob noted that this effort represents a record in terms of cost and time of construction. Everyone expressed their appreciation of the spectacular Merrimack River views on the new section. Now that the rail trail runs through so many towns, we will rotate our monthly meetings among them. There is also a need for trail signage at the Boscawen Town Park.

ii. 2014 RTP application: State ownership of the rail trail starts where there is track. We would like to end our trail at the Hannah Dustin parking area. However, since Pan Am Railways owns the corridor from the start of track to Hannah Dustin, we will have to use River Road and provide signage to guide trail users.A formal vote to authorize a 2014 RTP application for $20,000 was taken and approved. Nita will get started after receiving written permission from FNRT President Bob Ward.

e. Purchase of pop-up tent was carried.

f. Fall 2014 events

i. The Law Enforcement’s Special Olympics October 27, 2014 event is expected to be supported by the board when more details are forthcoming from Pecco Beaufays in November.

ii. Celebration of rail trail completion in 2014 was carried.

g. Golden Spike awards will be given to two special rail trail volunteers as moved and seconded by the board.

5. New Business

a. Upcoming meetings and events.

i. A potluck supper is scheduled at 6 PM at the Highland Lake Inn on Wednesday, November 20.

ii. There will be a Wednesday, December 18 monthly meeting at 7 PM.

6. Other business

a. Lindy has been authorized to spend up to $150 on four magnetic vehicle signs for rail trail maintenance workers.

b. A lengthy and detailed press release will be given to the media and posted on the FNRT Web site and Facebook page describing fall accomplishments and recognizing individuals.

c. Nita brought up the safety concern of people parking on the rail trail in Franklin. Steve Rayno was asked to approach Franklin authorities for permission to post a sign to be enforced by local authorities.

d. Bob thanked Charles for the new Boscawen section map and reported that FNRT was well represented at the recent health symposium in Franklin. Bob has also offered to personally help with plans to connect the Northern Rail Trail with the “Winnie” in Franklin.