Andover Energy Group Minutes, November 7, 2013

Present: Larry Chase, Susan Chase, Gisela Darling, Steve Darling, Jeff Dickinson, Andy Prokosch, and Sophie Viandier. Guests: Colby-Sawyer College students

1. Energy Descent Plan: A group of Colby-Sawyer students (Olin, Nicki, Hannah, Garrett, Nate, and Ted) from the college’s Community Project class, which is encouraging the development of the Transition Initiative in the towns in the Kearsarge Valley, met with us to discuss their plans for promoting and helping to develop energy descent plans, specifically in the towns of Andover and New London. An Energy Descent Action Plan (EDAP) is a planning tool for increasing energy efficiency and lowering energy use in a town or area.

Discussion focused on how the students might survey residents of Andover to learn about their energy use, as well as how information might be gathered regarding both individual and municipal energy use.

The cities of Lebanon, New Hampshire and Montpelier, Vermont were cited as examples of communities that have adopted EDAPs, focusing either solely on energy (Lebanon) or including an additional analysis of food needs and resources (Montpelier).

2. October 19 “Financing Alternative Energies” workshop: It was felt to be a successful and useful program, with an attendance of about 20.

3. Trip to Groton wind farm: Those who went on the tour (Andy, Vicky, Jeff, and Susan) found a very useful presentation regarding both the pros and cons of wind farms. The committee stressed that this was simply an information-gathering trip, with no plans to do anything either to promote or to contest any area wind farm proposals at this time.

Jeff made reference to the National Renewable Energy Lab in Colorado at, which is a good source for national, regional, and local wind information.

4. November 9 “Buttoning Up” workshop: Sophie said that she was all set for her presentation.

5. Streetlight Survey: Following the listing in the Beacon of the lights that are proposed to be taken down, there has been only one resident concern expressed about the plan. The consensus of the committee is to recommend proceeding with the decommissioning and then announce the savings to be gained.

6. Solar lights: Jeff will explore the Transfer Station situation and the need for lights. If they are needed, solar energy should be considered.

7. Micro-hydro: It was agreed that Vicky should go ahead and set up a conference call with the supplier who is interested in finding a demonstration site for micro-hydro in the Andover area. Jeff will also explore the idea of finding an engineering professional from Nepal who might like to do a summer internship in the Andover area during which he or she could assess various local options to determine their potential for hydropower.

8. Town/school energy efficiency project: Susan reported on the next step of setting up a meeting between selectpersons, school board members, interested AEG members, and a representative from EEI (Energy Efficient Investors) to look more closely at the possibilities of going forward with energy efficiency measures in the Town Hall and the school, possibly to include the installation of a solar PV system for renewable electricity.

It was agreed that we also need to follow up with Vicky regarding whether there are RGGI funds available from NHEC for helping to underwrite the retrofitting of either or both buildings. Vicky had submitted a proposal to Bill Johnstone for such funding.

9. Future thoughts/projects:

Arch Weathers’ proposed visit to a re-constructed historic hydropower dam in Maine: It was felt that there might be more interest in a visit to this site in the spring.

Jeff proposed his mother’s house on Switch Road for a future workshop.

Jeff also suggested we keep in mind seeking an “Awesome Grant” – up to $1,000 for an interesting idea that needs funding.

Timber bridges: It was suggested that we ask Vicky to get quotes for a couple of the bridges in town that are in poor shape. The person from the state who came and looked at all the bridges should be able to provide the information necessary to generate such quotes.

Next meeting: 7 PM, Thursday, December 5 in the Town Hall meeting room.