We are already seeking students for the 2013-2014 kindergarten class. If you know of any Andover children who will be five years old before September 30, 2014, please contact me.
Grandparent Thanksgiving and Veterans Day were two school-wide events in November that brought many community members into the school. These are favorite and cherished days at AE/MS. Both events were well attended, and photos can be viewed on the school Web site at AEMSeagles.org.
Seventh and eighth grade basketball teams started practices before Thanksgiving. There are two boys teams and one girls team this year. Coaches Jim Tucker and David McCarthy are looking forward to a great season with the Andover Eagles.
Early December was Winter Concert season. The first holiday program was on December 5 and included students in kindergarten through fifth grade performing with their classes. (As I write this, the concert hasn’t happened yet, or I would be telling you how wonderfully spectacular the concert was!)
The second holiday program on December 12 was more of an instrumental evening for the bands and individual musicians. Community members are always invited to come and enjoy the winter concerts!
Musical Instruments Wanted
We are always looking for musical instruments. If you have an instrument in good shape that you no longer use, please consider donating it to the school. Contact Mr. Adam Stewart, AE/MS music teacher, if interested. Playing an instrument can be unaffordable for some families, so we try to have instruments available for students.
The Holiday Shoppe will be held on Friday, December 13. This is the much-anticipated shopping day for all students. It gives the students an opportunity to surprise their immediate family members with gifts they pick out all by themselves.
Thanks to the generosity of the community, we are able to have a bountiful Holiday Shoppe every December. AE/MS School Nurse Christine Frost will be coordinating the special day.
The Town of Andover is once again generously making the ski program available and affordable to Andover families. The first ski day is Friday, January 10. Students have the opportunity to alpine ski or snowboard at Ragged Mountain Resort. Any questions regarding this program should be directed to Ellie George.
Participating students will be dismissed early on Friday afternoons to participate in the Town program. Those students who do not ski on Friday afternoons will have the opportunity to skate at the Proctor Academy ice rink. Skating also starts on Friday, January 10. Students must have skates and helmets.
Grades closed for the first trimester at AE/MS on November 22, and report cards were sent home on December 6. Honor roll will be posted.
Kindergarten through fourth grade report cards have been revised to more accurately reflect our curriculum, learning, and assessments. We also worked to have a document that was consistent in format for all five grade levels.
Ray Burton, 1939 – 2013
I was saddened by the recent death of Ray Burton, long-time New Hampshire state representative. I had the pleasure of working with Ray many years ago in northern New Hampshire. He was very supportive of the school that I worked in and would attend any and all school events.
The Seven Cs provide the framework within which the AE/MS community learns, lives, and plays.
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Critical Thinking (Problem Solving)
- Creativity
- Caring
- Community
- Curiosity (Inquiry)
I thought it interesting to note that Ray was the Andover Elementary/Middle School’s principal in the 1960s. I came across the student handbook for 1965-1966. It is even more interesting to note that Ray’s school motto was “Courage, Citizenship, and Cooperation.” Today at AE/MS we live, learn, and play by following the Seven Cs, and I didn’t realize that there was an historical connection started by Ray many years ago. We have added four more Cs to our framework. I feel even more committed to our Seven Cs knowing that Ray thought similarly.
The 1965-1966 handbook makes for a fun read. I have made a few copies, and if anyone would like one, please let me know. The school rules are amusing but reflect the times. A personal favorite – “Courtesy is the mark of a well-trained person. It costs nothing, yet will go a long way toward personal development of the individual. Hence, courtesy will be observed at all times.” Many community members of today are listed on the staff directory page.
During this holiday season I can’t help but think about all that our school community has to be thankful for. I am grateful to be part of such a caring, supportive, and generous school community, with dedicated and caring professionals who work with enthusiastic students. I appreciate the town of Andover and all it does for our children. We are very fortunate.