The Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust, with the following partners in the Stoney Brook Conservation Alliance:
Lake Sunapee Protective Association
New Hampshire Audubon
Newbury Conservation Commission
Sunapee Hills Association
is asking for your help with an important conservation project.
You have an opportunity to help keep our water clean and link important conservation areas by contributing to the Stoney Brook Project, which comprises 145 acres off of Chalk Pond Road in Newbury, New Hampshire.
Your contribution would:
Protect the clean water in Chalk Pond, Blodgett Brook, Lake Sunapee, Ring Brook, Andrew Brook, and Lake Todd.
Help ensure habitat for a wide variety of wildlife, including species like bear and moose with large home ranges.
Protect the SRK Greenway trail corridor.
Provide for a new recreational loop trail off the Greenway to highlight remnants of the agricultural history found on the property.
To date, $279,000 has been raised for the project, but we still need $12,000 by December 31, 2013 to complete this task.
Checks may be made payable to Ausbon Sargent – Stoney Brook, PO Box 2040, New London 03257. You can find more information and view a map of the area at