Snowy roads and below freezing temperatures don’t scare Blazing Star Grange Winter Market patrons! After a quiet start, the January winter market was bustling.
Candy, wine, jewelry, and warm clothing were big sellers upstairs, while shoppers’ canvas bags bulged with meat, milk, bakery items, and produce from the downstairs market.
The kitchen was busy, with people gathering at The Bistro for conversation over breakfast and lunch.
Be sure to not miss next month’s market on Saturday, February 1, which will feature vendors’ specials for Valentine’s Day giving. The Saturday, March 1 market will be a “White Sale” with 20% to 50% off vendors’ selected items. Bargains galore!
And look for “Who’s in the Bistro window?” – a monthly surprise!
Demo-Freebie Opportunity
If you’re a new business (or new to us), take advantage of Blazing Star Grange Winter Market’s offer to new businesses to introduce themselves to our customers.
If space is available and if you qualify, you can spend a day at our market showing or demonstrating your product. For the benefit of our regular vendors, we ask only that you not sell any items. Telling about your product or distributing brochures, business cards, or other information about your particular product is permitted and encouraged.
To apply, please contact Donna Sprague at 768-5579 and ask about the Demo-Freebie program.