The year 2013 has ended, and the Andover Service Club (ASC) is now looking forward to 2014. The following is ASC in review, highlighting some of the activities for each month of 2013.
January: A grant application was sent to Franklin Savings Bank for the benefit of the ASC Merit Scholarship Fund. It was rejected since FSB has its own scholarship program and does not fund others. Preparations were being made for the ASC scholarship program and for the Fred Marple show in April.
February: The Soup/Chowder Fundraiser for Town Meeting Day in March was discussed. Expenditures to be made toward maintenance and necessary purchases for the Thrift Shop were approved. Final income from the 2012 Thanksgiving Pie Sale was $1,280. Members chose the Highland Lake Grange Hall for Guest Night in April.
March: Soup/Chowder Fundraiser net income was $414. Fred Marple Show on April 20 was finalized, and brochures were distributed. The Sunapee Singers will perform at Guest Night. The new 2013-2014 budget was being prepared. Members took a field trip to King Arthur Flour in Norwich, Vermont.
April: Guest Night on April 10 was poorly attended. It will be canceled in the future due to lack of interest. Nominations to the Executive Board for 2013-14 would be sought. Fred Marple Show on April 20 had 98 tickets sold and raised $500 after expenses. April was Volunteer Appreciation Month.
May: The Scholarship Committee met on May 6 to review applications for the ASC Merit Scholarships. The new budget was presented to the members for their review. The budget was increased by $650 from the previous year. Nominations for the Executive Board were presented.
More volunteers are needed to work at the Thrift Shop, and several repairs are needed. Support for the Thrift Shop is needed as it is the largest contributor to the scholarship program.
The total number of birthday cakes baked for Proctor students in 2013 was 147, for a total income of $1,704.
June: Meeting was held at the June luncheon at Alan’s of Boscawen on June 12. The new slate of officers and the 2013-14 budget were unanimously approved. Five scholarships were awarded for a total of $5,000.
No meetings were held in July and August.
Fourth of July Pie Sale netted $615, down about $300 from the previous year.
September: Meeting began with a silent remembrance of the attack on September 11, 2001. Charlie Darling, editor/publisher of The Andover Beacon, spoke to members about the Beacon’s new fundraising campaign.
Since there was no lunch fundraiser due to no election in November, members approved the “Gifts Galore” raffle of two baskets of assorted craft items and gifts. The winning tickets would be drawn at the December Christmas luncheon.
October: Thanksgiving Pie Sale on November 26 and 27 was being organized and finalized. A letter was sent to the Road Agent regarding plowing concerns at the Thrift Shop. Raffle ticket sales were going well. Christmas luncheon to be held at Lake Sunapee Country Club on December 11.
November: Thrift Shop sales were doing much better. New volunteers are a huge help. Members voted their approval for the installation of a new steel roof, to replace the old shingle roof which was in bad shape, at the Thrift Shop. Mead and Braley will be the company installing the new roof. The Thanksgiving Pie Sale was November 26 and 27 at Circle K in Potter Place.
December: Meeting took place at Lake Sunapee Country Club on December 11 with 37 members attending. Baked goods would be sold at Bluewater Farm on December 15. Members voted to participate in the “Rail Trail Run and Ride” in September 2014 by selling baked items and drinks. Winners of the “Gifts Galore” raffles were Nance Barrett of Andover and Amy Ballou of Canaan.
2014: The new year came in “like a lion” with lots of snow and below freezing temperatures. The January 8 meeting at Potter Place was held in spite of the weather. Many members opted to stay at home, but those who braved the weather received the good news of the financial success of our last three fundraisers. The Thanksgiving Pie Sale raised $1,073 after expenses; the raffle raised $1,178; and the bake sale at Bluewater Farm raised $87.
The ladies of ASC wish to express our sincere gratitude to the people of Andover and surrounding communities who have been so kind and so generous throughout the past year.
I also wish to thank all of the members and volunteers who have worked so tirelessly to make 2013 a fruitful year for ASC. May God bless us, every one!