Nick Fairall of Andover, winner of the US Olympic ski jumping trials and a member of the 2014 US Olympic ski jumping team, was celebrated at Andover Elementary/Middle School on January 17. Students in kindergarten through grade eight all had a role in the grand celebration.
Olympic music played in the background as the gym filled up with excited students, all wanting to share the morning with Nick and send him on his way to the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. The walls and doors were covered with posters, signs, and Olympic rings, all of which were colored and constructed by students.
Principal Jane Slayton welcomed Nick and shared that Nick sets a great example for students as he diligently works toward his dream. “Nick, know that we will all be watching and cheering for you,” Ms Slayton said. “We are your biggest fans. We will be with you at the top of the jump. We will be holding our breath as you soar through the air, and we will be cheering, screaming, dancing, and celebrating as you land.”
The fourth grade students shared personal letters of inspiration with Nick and talked about how Nick has inspired them to work hard and follow their goals. Students in grade three talked about the qualities of an Olympian (all of which Nick has).
Seventh grade students presented Nick with a stack of “Good Luck” cards to pack and bring with him to Sochi. Second graders gave Nick a very creative travel guide, so that Nick would know about all that Sochi has to offer.
The older students at AE/MS know Nick the best as he has been their track coach for several years. They made a heartfelt presentation to Nick (see below), followed by Nick taking the microphone and thanking the AE/MS students for their support. A standing ovation, Olympic music, and “USA” chanting ended the assembly.
Below is the track team presentation written and shared by Collin O’Donnell, Alex Crucitti, Katelyn Barton, John Maynard, Aiden Cox, and Bret Russell:
“We are very honored to have Coach Fairall as our track coach at AE/MS. We would like to offer our support and send our good wishes with him on his journey to Sochi, Russia.
“Coach Nick Fairall never fails to inspire confidence in us during the track season. He tells us not to give up, to keep trying, and to push ourselves. Watching Coach Fairall qualify for the Olympics proves to us that these pieces of advice work. In Nick’s honor, we have written an acrostic poem.
Never give up!
Inspiration is what you have given us,
Challenge yourself!
Keep trying!
Fly like an eagle!
Always push yourself!
I believe in you!
Reach for the stars,
Always improve,
Long hours of practice pays off.
“He helped me set a goal, and reach for it. I used this skill in other sports and in the classroom.”
“When I became frustrated, he told me to never give up and keep on trying!”
“He told me to out jump the opponent. He taught me how to always better myself in my running.”
“He taught me that anything is possible if you try hard enough.”
Good luck, Nick! We will all be watching and cheering you on.