Button Up, New Hampshire! That’s the message the New Hampshire utilities are spreading to homeowners through a series of energy- saving workshops around the state.
Tracy Memorial Library, 304 Main Street, New London, will be hosting a Button UP NH workshop on Tuesday, March 25, from 7 to 8:30 PM. This free workshop, open to the public, is being sponsored by the New London Energy Committee. Refreshments will be served.
This workshop was originally scheduled for February 5, but was postponed because of snow.
Button Up NH workshops are designed to provide homeowners with information and techniques to help them save money on home energy use. The presentation is conducted by an independent certified energy professional. Participants will learn basic building science concepts and learn the basics about air sealing, insulating, and conservation measures that reduce fuel and electricity use.
For more information on dates and locations for other workshops, visit MyEnergyPlan.net/buttonup.
The Button Up NH program also includes over a dozen mini energy videos to help NH residents start learning about home energy issues and savings. These videos can be viewed by going to the Button Up Videos link on the home page of PlymouthEnergy.org.