The AE/MS kindergarten celebrated the 100th day of school on February 11. All year, the students have been counting the days and building up to the 100th day. This was a good opportunity to practice counting to 100. To celebrate, the kindergarten dressed up like 100-year-old people. (They were the most energetic elderly people one could imagine!) They also brought in 100 items to share with the class. The class did jumping jacks and hopped for 100 seconds, followed by 100 seconds of silliness, and then 100 seconds of silence. The students also stacked 100 cups and made a necklace with 100 beads. The day was full of fun and learning about the number 100! Mrs. Witt’s class: Top: Lydia Thisell, Ollie Grotnes, Indira McIntyre, Anna Warzocha, Mrs. Fadden, Zach Dudek, Ethan Dukette, Vanessa Guptill. Bottom: Miss Demello, Ryleigh Perry, DeLana Adams, Asa Gilman, Dylan Menard, Ben Newton, Damien Jenifer, Dominick Delaney, Cilla Abrahamson, Jon Grodin, Mrs. Witt. Caption: Laura WittMr. Kidder’s class. Top: Myles Keyser, Mrs. Fadden. Bottom: Declan Bison, Ella Labrie, Hayden Considine, Nathan Bain, Dan Shedd, Hannah Churchill, Tai Ferland, Caleb Moriarty, Hayden Moriarty, Emma Raymond, Eva Harbour, Carter Wheeler, Mr. Kidder, Chance Thibault, Billy Caron.