We had a fun day here at the Andover Five Alive Program (AFAP) playing Halloween games and dressing up. We also had a goody bag hunt after school for everyone. The kids received a number and had to match it with the same number on a pumpkin hidden around the whole building. They love to hunt for them. Fun for all!
AFAP made pancakes, jungle toss, and homemade butter to take home to their families. We also attended the Veterans Day celebration at AE/MS. The Annex as a whole made flag decorations to honor our veterans. The flag was displayed in the AE/MS gym.
Fire safety week was the week of November 12. We read stories, had a danger worksheet, and practiced evacuating in case of fire. Both AFAP and the Andover After School Program (AASP) participated in a fire drill.
We have started to collect donations for the Andover Food Pantry. We will bring the items over before Thanksgiving in hopes of helping families in need.
All of here at the Annex want to wish you and your families and healthy, happy, safe holiday season! Enjoy your time with your families.