Rest of the Town Report: Immaculate Conception Church

Immaculate Conception in Potter Place is a small church with a full house each Sunday! Our only mass is at 8:30, and everyone who attends becomes special, and we are all connected.

Events during the year include the Spaghetti Supper (now 33 years old), our Spring and Fall Rummage Sales, and our annual Strawberry Shortcake Festival each year on the Fourth of July. Dozens of parishioners help to make each event wonderful. All of the proceeds from our fundraisers support several efforts to provide assistance to anyone we hear about who is in need. We have Catholic Charities and Loaves and Fishes as our main outreach programs, and several smaller groups who provide food baskets several times a year to those in need. We also assist the Andover Food Pantry whenever we are asked.

All our events provide the funding for services to the community. The Church helps hundreds of people in New Hampshire each year.

Our Lady of Fatima Church in New London is our sister church and also has many wonderful events in between ours. These include the upcoming St. Patricks Day Dinner, and a Holiday Fair in November. Their schedule is Saturday at 5 PM and Sunday at 10:30 AM.

For more information, contact Loretta Bates at