Food is a topic that interests most everyone. How and what we eat can be very personal based on our choices and preferences.
We all know that food fuels the body for its daily functions and helps to keep us healthy in prevention of illness and disease. Eating when we are hungry and at regular mealtimes can assure that our bodies are fueled and ready when called to action.
We know that over eating can cause obesity. Despite these facts about food and fuel, many people eat for other reasons than hunger. Mindless eating when we’re bored or emotional eating when we’re stressed or feeling down both contributes to weight gain. The frustration and emotions that accompany this type of eating habit can be a vicious cycle, especially when our goal is to lose weight.
If you know what you should be eating to lose weight but feel that stress, boredom, or other emotions are preventing you from achieving your weight loss goal, you should consider “A Weigh Out.” This four-week program taught by a registered dietician and health educator addresses the core issues of mindless eating and emotional eating and how you can break the cycle. You will learn tools and strategies for managing stress, dealing with difficult emotions, accepting you, and becoming a more mindful eater.
“A Weigh Out” will be offered on four consecutive Tuesday evenings beginning on March 4 from 5 to 6:30 PM at Franklin Regional Hospital. This is a four-session series and has a fee of $25 per participant. For more information or to register, please call 527-2850.
LRGHealthcare is a not-for-profit healthcare charitable trust representing Lakes Region General Hospital, Franklin Regional Hospital, and affiliated medical providers. LRGHealthcare’s mission is to provide quality, compassionate care and to strengthen the well-being of our community.