The Speaker Series at the South Danbury Christian Church is turning Friday nights into a “hot spot” on our cold and snowy winter landscape, and the March schedule promises more of the same. “We have a great roster of presenters, talking about timely and interesting topics” explains Kathy Neustadt, one of the series’ organizers, “and the soup and salad before the talks really helps to ‘warm up’ the audience.” The light meal begins at 6:30 PM and is free to the public (though donations will be accepted), with the talk following at 7.
For longtime Yankee magazine readers, Edie Clark is like an old friend: known for her ongoing writing presence (her first article appeared in 1979!) and especially for her popular column, “Mary’s Farm.” On March 14, she will be at the South Danbury Church to talk about and read from her latest book, What There Was Not To Tell, in which she explores the impact of World War II on each of her parents and on the lives they created—as well as the secrets they carried—after the war. Rebecca Rule, another local author and cultural treasure, calls the book “a powerful story of love, war and the lingering effects of the tragedy of war that is as intimate as it is universal. With What There Was Not To Tell, Edie Clark establishes herself as one of the premiere writers of memoir working today.” What a great opportunity to catch up with an old friend!
On Friday, March 28, in a very different vein, the South Danbury Church will be hosting a “South Danbury Variety Show,” with some of the local and great talents of the neighborhood. There will be music and song, skits, some history, at least one reading, and great performances as yet to be determined. Keep an eye out for additional information—this is a not-to-be-missed (you could even say once-in-a-century) celebration! Connoisseurs will also want to know that, among other offerings, the menu includes (Yankee magazine’s “Best Cook”) Tom Curren’s famous Fish Chowder!
The South Danbury Christian Church (an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ) is located at 1411 U.S. Route 4 in South Danbury. For more information about the winter series, call 768-3191.