On Saturday, April 19 at 7 PM, Cardigan Mountain Tradition, a popular local bluegrass band, will donate their time and talents to bring an evening’s performance to the Blazing Star Grange Hall in Danbury.
This is the second of four benefit performances by area musicians to support the historic scenery restoration project, which includes a complete set of hand-painted curtains by renowned scenic artist Egbert L Foster of Manchester. Having been in continual use for almost ninety years, the individual pieces in the set, especially the curtains, now need structural work as well as cleaning and repairing in order to put them back into operation again.
A dessert social at 6:30 PM will precede the event. All are invited to enjoy the entertainment and food and learn more about the curtains and the project. Suggested donation for the concert is $5 per person. Any amount, large or small, will be welcomed.
Upcoming events include a benefit by Wally Borgen’s vaudeville troupe, who will bring their uproarious antics to the Danbury stage on Saturday, May 10; and a final musical benefit on Saturday, June 7, a “Sock Hop” featuring music of the ’50s with Danbury’s recycling expert and poet Carl Hultberg and committee member Tom Curren spinning tunes from their vast collection of rock and roll vinyl. Be sure to mark your calendar now for this exciting concert series.
The restoration project, under the direction of Curtains Without Borders, a Vermont-based nonprofit specializing in preserving historic stage curtains, will begin this July and be ready to be showcased at the 100th Grange Fair on September 6.
All events will take place in the Blazing Star Grange Hall located on North Road in Danbury across from the fire station, near the intersection of Routes 4 and 104. You may find more information about the project at DanburyGrange.org, or contact Charlotte at 768-5501 or MaPaKettleNH@nullmsn.com. For more information about Curtains Without Borders, visit CurtainsWithoutBorders.org.