New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family, April 2014

April meeting at AE/MS on the 26th

By Judy Perreault, NHCHF

Weather Folklore was our discussion at last month’s meeting of the New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family. Considering how unpredictable the weather has been lately, it was a timely topic.

Wasn’t it Mark Twain who said, ” If you don’t like New England weather, wait a minute”?

Throughout the ages man has been interested in the weather. Before the science and technology of weather forecasting, man depended on the activities of animals, birds, insects, fish, and flora. These changes told them when to sow, reap, sail, and explore.

We learned that weather was the prevailing condition. Climate is the average weather over a long period of time, and meteorology is weather science.

We explored the old ditties about weather, like “Red sky at night, sailors delight; red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.” It seems there is a scientific explanation for this rhyme, whereas “Rain before seven, clear by eleven” has no basis in fact. March came in like a lion this year, but will it go out like a lamb?

Our next meeting is our spring workshop to be held on Saturday, April 26 at AE/MS. The morning program involves making fairy houses and a story teller. For more information, call 735-5493.