During the second weekend of March you could smell bread baking throughout Andover. Students in grades four through seven baked bread and returned to school with fresh, homemade bread after the weekend. Most of the bread loaves were delivered to the Bread and Roses Soup Kitchen in Franklin, where it was part of the supper, and any extra loaves were sent home with the families. In addition, several loaves went to the Andover Food Pantry.
This community service activity was made possible through the King Arthur Flour Company. The Learn Bake Share Program has reached more than 190,000 students nationwide since it began in 1992, providing students with a fun, real-world application of skills they’re already learning in school — math, science, reading, following directions, problem solving, and more. And they use their new bread baking talents to help people in their community.
A King Arthur Flour instructor and two student assistants, Ethan Davis and Maddie Jewell, presented a demonstration on the bread baking process. Then, each future student baker took home materials, including nutritious whole grain flour, and the know-how to get baking! Students baked two delicious loaves — one to enjoy, the other for donation to a community organization chosen by the school.
This is the third time that AE/MS has worked with the King Arthur Flour Company, and each time it has been very successful. Students learn new skills and then share their skills with the community. It is a win-win for all.