September is Renew Your Library Card Month at Andover Libraries

After December 31, old cards will expire

By Michaela Hoover

aNDOVER-The Andover Libraries are going through a period of renewal and that includes our library cards! We’re asking everyone who has a library card to stop in between now and December 31, 2024, to update their contact information. It is very simple and takes about two minutes! We’ll make sure we have your correct address, […]

Through the Reading Glasses

By Janet Moore

ANDOVER – The current issue of The New Yorker is all about humor; jokes are interwoven with real-life funny moments, and cartoonist/author Art Spiegelman draws a wonderful comic ode to Charles Schulz.  Peanuts ran for 50 years and, without question, my favorite character is Snoopy. I say “is” because It’s A Dog’s Life, Snoopy sits […]

Alias Brass and Uptown Jazz Tentet Perform in August

Two upcoming summer concerts in New London

Press release

Summer Music Associates presents two more concerts this summer as part of its 51st season.  On Thursday, August 8, at 7 PM, at the First Baptist Church in New London, the five-member Alias Brass Company performs its extraordinary program, PRISM. The Alias Brass Company demonstrates a broad artistic range by combining diverse elements of classical […]

New Books at the Bachelder Library

By Michaela Hoover

Fiction The Unwedding, Ally Condie Flashpoint, Catherine Coulter The Midnight Feast, Lucy Foley Flashback, Iris Johansen A Refiner’s Fire, Donna Leon Wandering Stars, Tommy Orange The Honey Witch, Sydney J. Shields The Book of Maps, Ernest Thompson The Comfort of Ghosts, Jacqueline Winspear Nonfiction Languishing, Corey Keyes Young Adult Fiction Four Eids and a Funeral, […]

New Books at the Andover Public Library

By Michaela Hoover

Fiction The Handmaid’s Tale: The Graphic Novel, Margaret Atwood Think Twice, Harlen Coben Finlay Donovan is Killing It, Elle Cosimano Hopeless, Colleen Hoover Our Little Secret, Lisa Jackson Breaking the Dark, Lisa Jewell Nonfiction The Demon of Unrest, Erik Larson Disability Visibility, Alice Wong Young Adult Fiction and Nonfiction Dungeons and Drama, Kristy Boyce Twelfth […]

Mess Fest is Messy Fun at Andover Public Library

Monies donated at mini golf pay for Mess Fest

By Michaela Hoover
Mess Fest is Messy Fun at Andover Public Library

On July 11, the Andover Public Library hosted Mess Fest, an evening of messy, outdoor play for kids. We had shaving cream, Oobleck, mud, giant painting, bubbles, chalk, and water available, and children were allowed to make as much of a mess as they wanted. It was every kid’s dream! Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and […]

August Events at Your Andover Libraries

Summer fun continues

By : Michaela Hoover

Summer fun continues at our Andover Libraries throughout the month of August, with a variety of programs for all ages and interests. Thursday, August 1, at 10 AM, at the Andover Public Library (APL): Squid Dissection with the UNH Marine Docents. Come learn about squids and participate in a squid dissection with marine docents from […]

Thank you to the Library Book Sale Volunteers

Many hands make light work

By Sheila Swenson

Andover – The newly formed Friends of the Andover Libraries (FOALs) group would like to thank the volunteers who offered their assistance in many ways, resulting in a very successful Library Book Sale, held on July 3 and 4. We appreciated their time and effort to sort and box up books, to transport approximately 300 […]

Through the Reading Glasses

By Janet Moore

Andover – It may seem like I’ve been too focused on war, given last month’s column, but with the news of the world so grim in places, my head is sometimes full of it! It just seemed natural then to finally open up Kristin Hannah’s latest and immerse myself in the Vietnam Conflict and the […]

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