Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie. November 5, 1964 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Rising of East Andover announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Julia Rising, to Robert Murray Sims, son of Mr. and […]
The Wilmot Historical Society interviewed 90-year-old Jack McAuliffe in mid-September, learning more about what life was like in our area in the 1930s and 1940s than the Society’s members knew beforehand, thanks to Jack’s sharp memory and keen storytelling skills. Jack received his early education in country schoolhouses and high school in Andover with Walter […]
By Donna Baker-Hartwell, Andover Historical Society
The Tucker Mountain Schoolhouse will be holding its last open house of the year on Sunday, October 12, from 1 to 3 PM. Private visits may be scheduled by contacting Donna Baker-Hartwell at 735-5586 or Pat Cutter at 735-5628. The 17 or so one-room schoolhouses that were once scattered across Andover were not only used for education, […]
The Andover Historical Society was the recent recipient of a gift which offered an unexpected snapshot view into the past – 1927 to be exact. The gift was actually a group of five small photographs donated by Winifred Little Williams via Florence Gove. “The Flood of 1927″ is noted on the back of the photos. […]
Here’s some old news from the Andover, East Andover, West Andover, Potter Place, and Cilleyville “gossip” columns of the Franklin Journal Transcript, selected by Heather Makechnie. October 1, 1964 Paul Jurta has a new 1965 Dodge truck. Paul is getting it ready for plowing on the State Highways later on. Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Allan […]
The Andover Historical Society will be hosting Steve Taylor as our fall speaker at the society’s annual meeting at 7 PM on Thursday, October 16, at the Highland Lake Grange Hall. His topic will be The Great Sheep Boom and Its Enduring Legacy on the New Hampshire Landscape. Prior to the talk, there will […]
For two days over Labor Day Weekend, Saturday, August 30, and Monday, Labor Day, September 1, from 10 AM to 2 PM, the Franklin Historical Society will hold an Open House. Please come familiarize yourself with the exhibits and knowledge of our docents at the Society’s museum at 21 Holy Cross Road, off New Hampshire Route 3. […]
In September, a very special event will be held by the Franklin Historical Society at the Franklin Public Library at 310 Central Street in Franklin. On Thursday, September 4, at 7 PM, scuba diver and underwater explorer and historian Hans Hug will discuss the deep aquatic finds lying at the bottom of Lake Winnipesaukee in […]
By Donna Baker-Hartwell, Andover Historical Society
On Sunday, September 14, from 1 to 3 PM, the one-room schoolhouse built in 1837 on Tucker Mountain Road will be open for visitors. Many artifacts of the period will be on exhibit, including schoolbooks, ink wells, and a hickory stick. The Andover Historical Society’s 2015 calendar featuring East Andover will be available for purchase. […]
The History of Communications Atop Mt. Washington Friday, August 22, 2014 New Hampshire Telephone Museum One Depot Street, Warner Free Admission – Donations Appreciated 6:30 PM Dessert & Coffee in the Main Gallery 7 PM Program in Watson Room (downstairs) From the important work of the US Army Signal Service in the 1870s to the […]