Education Funding Practices Create Large Increase to our Taxes 

By Mary Anne Broshek and Marie Nardino

With large increases in property taxes everyone is correct in wanting to know why and to take action to lower them. The big target is public education and I urge everyone to learn about the true reason for increased property taxes — how the State has downshifted costs continuously to towns and cities and then […]

Elders Worry about Attacks on our Democracy

By Bethann McCarthy

As a 65-year-old woman, I’ve lived through many political crises in this country — but I have never seen an attack on our democracy like this. In the past, there was bipartisan opposition to lawlessness. Today, the guardrails are being dismantled before our eyes, and we must sound the alarm.   We have never had a […]

Author Corrects Incorrect Information in Article about Groceries

By Ken Wells

A reader kindly pointed out a mistake I made in a recent article about the merger between grocery titans, Kroeger and Albertsons. I stated that local Market Basket and Hannaford’s stores are owned by these giants; that is not so.  I should have said that Shaw’s and Star Market are owned by Albertsons, while Hannaford […]

Deborah Aylward’s View from Concord — March

By Deborah Aylward

Current law allows one planning board member to sit on a zoning board of adjustment (ZBA), and there is no prohibition on ZBA members serving on planning boards. The Municipal and County Government Committee heard HB92, which sought to amend RSA 673:3, that pertains to ZBA Membership, and 673:7, I-III, pertaining to Planning Board Members […]

Louise Andrus’s View from Concord — March

By Louise Andrus

Several weeks ago, I was a part of an email from a constituent asking questions about House Bills that were Representative Aylward’s priorities in The Beacon. I would like to clarify that whatever Rep. Alyward writes as her priorities does not mean I am in agreement. The same is true on whatever House Bills I […]

Town Meeting Offers Opportunity to Vote on Education Vouchers

By Caroline Moulton Ratzki

At Town Meeting on March 11, Andover folks will have the opportunity to vote on a warrant article concerning education and our taxpayer dollars, titled Property Taxes for Private Education: A Call for Responsible Use. The Education Freedom Account program (School Vouchers) is funded by our taxpayer dollars. It is run by an out-of-state agency, […]

Warrant Article Aims to Hold Voucher Program Accountable

By Kent Hackmann

ANDOVER — Sixty-five Andover residents petition through a Warrant Article for accountability and transparency to assure New Hampshire taxpayers that our tax dollars that fund the Education Freedom Accounts (vouchers) are “spent wisely and delivering results.” Taxpayers are also deeply concerned that the voucher program is spiraling out of control.  In its first year, when […]

Voter Supports Jonathan Schwartz for Wilmot Selectboard

By Ann Davis

WILMOT — I support Jonathan Schwartz for a second three-year term on the Wilmot Board of Selectmen. In addition to his excellent work during his first term on the selectboard, Jonathan actively supports an array of organizations in town. He loves Wilmot and clearly understands that building community requires energy, engagement, and enthusiasm. You’ll see […]

Reader Questions Aylward’s February View from Concord

By Lori Cox

ANDOVER — In February’s issue of The Beacon, Representative Deborah Aylward listed her priorities for the upcoming legislative session. I have questions about some of them and hope that she will take the time to answer them in a future column. In HB 148, how would protections be afforded to those with various conditions called […]

Deborah Aylward’s View from Concord — February

By Deborah Aylward

Following are my legislative priorities for the upcoming term: protecting and expanding the wildly successful Education Freedom Account program, by making it universal through HB115; passing the Parents’ Bill of Rights, HB10; passing HB238, ending compulsory union dues as a condition of employment; passing a ban on sanctuary cities as referenced in HB511; blocking biological […]

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