Letter: Thanks So Much

By Mario Ratzki

To voters in Andover, Danbury, and Salisbury who endorsed me in the last Beacon issue: I appreciate your support and your help.

Letter: Election Day

By Mario Ratzki

The time has come to make a choice. I am proud of the campaign I have run for State Representative for District 1: Andover, Danbury, and Salisbury. It has been conducted in a civil and respectful manner on both sides. I have embraced a common-sense approach based on balance and bi-partisanship in regard to public […]

Letter: Lack of Understanding

By Susan Chase

Jenn Coffey, Andover’s current state representative, wrote in the September Beacon about her concerns as she seeks re-election on November 6. She wrote particularly of the need to attract businesses to New Hampshire, yet her voting record indicates a lack of understanding of what is important to businesses considering locating here: 1) A strong education […]

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