Natalie Wells’ Report from Concord, May 2021

By Natalie Wells

On April 13, the Governor signed SB43 which will enable the Secretary of State to do an audit on the Windham, New Hampshire state election.  As I proudly serve as the House Election Law Committee Clerk, you might like to know we passed several bills dealing with absentee ballots in an effort to build confidence […]

In a Democracy, Citizens Have the Right to Govern Themselves

This requires more than voting

By Ken Wells

Democracy means “the people rule.” As citizens of a democracy, we have the right and also the responsibility to govern ourselves, our democracy’s publicly-owned institutions, and privately-owned commercial enterprises. Doing this effectively requires more than just voting on Election Day. We citizens often neglect our responsibility to pay close attention to what’s happening in government. […]

State Legislature Meets In-Person to Take Up Bills

Partial list of bills and personal vote

By Louise Andrus

Happy Spring!  But it is not Spring this morning, March 15.  It’s only five above zero with high winds. Very cold when I went out to feed the animals. There are some patches of bare ground and muddy roads. The sap is running when it warms up enough for it to run, and some of […]

Efforts to Privatize Education Threaten Public Schools

All-inclusive learning is at risk

By Cinde Warmington

Public education is at the edge of a precipice in New Hampshire right now. Our state has some of the best public schools in the country: US News & World Report ranks our state third in the nation for pre-K to 12 education.  But this year, a well-coordinated effort in our state government is poised […]

Property Tax Increase Possible if Education Voucher Bill Passes

By Mary Anne Broshek

A prime concern for New Hampshire legislators and Governor must be to lower property taxes by undoing and preventing the  downshifting of costs to towns and cities. In the past, down shifting was done when State revenues went down.  The promise was to reinstate those funds when revenue went back up. Listed below are a […]

New State Representative Gives Overview of House Happenings

By Louise Andrus

As a State Representative the most gratifying part of the journey is listening to the citizens in hearings or reading their emails, whether for or against any given bill.  Listening or reading both sides of an issue can give a whole new perspective to an issue. To me, the Legislature is of the people, by […]

Petitioned Warrant Article Requests Support for Medicare for All

Provides health insurance for everyone

By Kent Hackmann

I’d like all Andover voters to know that I have sent a petitioned warrant article, signed by 36 fellow voters, to the Select Board for the 2021 Andover Town Meeting. The warrant article directs the Select Board to tell our Congressional delegation to work toward immediate passage of Medicare for All. The wording of the […]

Andover Parent Makes Case for Return to In-Person Learning

A group has been created to spear-head logistics

By Molly B. Morgan, M.S.

It’s 4 PM and a young girl, hair disheveled, wearing pink sweatpants, perches atop her bed, Chromebook on lap. Although based on real Andover children, let’s call her Peggy. She has hardly moved from her perch, even to eat, since 9 AM. It is Tuesday, and it is her second day of “remote learning” at […]

By Definition, the Word Democracy is Not Exclusive to any One Party

By Louise Andrus Candidate for State Representative -- Merrimack 1

In most ads I read in last month’s Beacon placed by the Democrats, they used the word “democracy” frequently.  It felt like they were saying they were the only voters interested in democracy. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines, in one case, that  democracy is: a government by the people especially rule of the majority. The word […]

“The Rest of the Story” Concerning Legislative Impacts

By Mary Anne Broshek

The stated legislative impacts in the October Louise Andrus advertisement do not tell the whole story. I picked four of the items to show the rest of the story. Background: Beginning in 2010, when Republican Bill O’Brian was Speaker of the House, many State obligations, including promised State contributions for teacher/police retirement, water, and waste […]

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