Under the guise of a question from a constituent about her vote in the House Education Committee to retain SB135, Louise Andrus issued her Report from Merrimack Valley School District (MVSD) embedded in her “Report from Concord” for June, wherein she justified the retention of a piece of legislation intended to provide increased education funding […]
Now that I am vaccinated and go without worries to the Transfer Station on Saturday mornings, I am paying attention to our local farm stands. I highlight three that cater to my single-item needs. For crusty homemade sourdough bread, I stop at Crow Tree Farm, at 72 Main Street; Malora Moore and Joe Rice, owners. […]
Here are some recent bills passed to share with you. SB-89 “relative to the effect of certain federal laws on New Hampshire election procedures.” If the United States Congress passes HR1 or S1, which would have control over all state elections, here in New Hampshire the federal government cannot touch our state or local elections. […]
A constituent asked me a question in an email: “Why did the House Education Committee vote to retain SB135? By retaining it, property taxes are sure to rise, not only in Merrimack #1 but across the state. How do you justify raising taxes? Will you explain your vote in your report in The Andover Beacon?” […]
In the May Beacon, Louise Andrus states that “ Republicans were sent to Concord with a directive to lower taxes and use the taxpayers’ money wisely”. The only problem is that, by all appearances, the Republicans lowered taxes for corporations and the wealthiest instead of for local property tax payers. An important way the Legislature […]
Thomas Jefferson once said, “I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” I suggest reading and rereading this quote and thinking about what it says and means. It has much meaning, and in my opinion pertains […]
In response to Natalie Wells’ letter in the April Beacon, I am troubled by her call to ban teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the public schools. Our history has moments of glory and moments of utter infamy. No one would want children to be made to feel personally guilty for the sins of the […]
The past year has been a challenge to us all in many ways. Though we are recently starting to see some semblance of our former normal lives, it will take time to build back up to where we were or would like to be. I would like to highlight one example of an organization on […]
First of all, I want to reiterate to the citizens of Andover, Danbury, and Salisbury what I stand for as a member of the New Hampshire House, which has not changed. I defend and uphold the United States Constitution and New Hampshire Constitution; I vote against any income tax or sales tax and any tax […]
I attended the Merrimack Valley School District School Board Meeting on April 12. In the comment section of the agenda I addressed the following: “Thank you Randy. Good Evening, For those who do not know me, my name is Louise Andrus. I am a taxpayer and resident of Salisbury. I am also a State House […]