Report From Concord, December 2019

By Ken Wells, NH State Representative
Report From Concord, December 2019

We in the United States have reached a “now or never” moment in dealing with the pollution caused by the generation of electricity, our transportation system, and heating our buildings. The answer is not to do without the benefits of modern living, but to do it all differently. You may recall that at one point, […]

Hello to Andover Friends

A 2020 Hello and Update From Mary 

By Mary Meier

Happy New Year! I can’t believe that another year is in the books. Welcome 2020! I just wanted to take this time to update my friends and customers. I sold the salon, New Horizons Hairstylist to Meghan Barton on July 1, 2019. That seemed like yesterday! Roy and I took most of the summer helping […]

Buttigieg’s Military Background is Most Important

By Judith Ackerson

I am supporting Pete Buttigieg for President. I am drawn to him because of his intelligence, his calm demeanor and his military experience, among other traits. Pete is a well-educated person.  He has had to exhibit clear thinking and evaluative skills to be as successful in academia as he has been. Pete exhibits a calm, […]

Special Permits to Noise Ordinance Should be Banned

Vote on warrant article at Town Meeting 2020

By Donna Baker-Hartwell

This is a follow-up to my letter in the November issue of The Andover Beacon regarding the logging on Tucker Mountain and the Town Noise Ordinance. I concluded in my letter that it is my hope that our town noise ordinance can be amended by voters to close the “loopholes” that allow for “special permits” […]

Is It Time to Put a Price on Pollution?

By Kat McGhee
Is It Time to Put a Price on Pollution?

With minor changes, this article appeared originally as a “My Turn’ column in The Concord Monitor on January 3, 2020. The United States’ debate on carbon pollution falls into two categories: the people who accept the science and fear climate disruption, and the people who view the science as unsettled and think it is cheaper […]

Biomass Issue

By Faith Clendenan

Having read Ken Wells’ Concord report, I felt some clarification was needed in his statements that Governor Sununu had killed biomass energy generation in the state. It wasn’t clear to me how Governor Sununu could do this. Obviously a piece of legislation had been vetoed, but what exactly was this legislation? Ken didn’t make that […]

John Wagner Retires From Andover Community Church

By John and Amy Wagner

Dear members of our Andover community, After a lot of time in discussion and prayer about this, Amy and I announced my resignation (some may call it retirement) as Pastor at Andover Community Church at the end of January 2020. As most of you must be aware, our church recently celebrated the 150th anniversary of […]

Report from Concord, November 2019

By Ken Wells, NH State Representative

When I was a teenager during the Cold War, I was amused by a comic strip called Spy vs. Spy. Two trenchcoated raven characters appeared only in silhouette, identical in every way yet polar opposites and mortal enemies. One was drawn black on white, and the other, white on black. They were adversaries engaged in […]

Logging on Tucker Mountain Road

By Donna Baker-Hartwell

Tucker Mountain Road residents have experienced a number of large logging projects over the past ten or more years. As a resident, there are many challenges that come along with these projects: the meeting and passing of fully loaded logging trucks on narrow sections of the road that are often on blind corners; icy, muddy […]

Report from Concord, October 2019

By Ken Wells, NH Representative

It looks like the fall foliage in Andover reached its moment of maximum variety; its fullest spectrum this week. I could see young maples whose lower and interior leaves held stubbornly onto their green, while yellow leaves stood out along their longest side branches, with splashes of brilliant orange and red around the treetops. Stormy […]

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