I LOVE THIS COUNTRY… our past, our present and our future! We are not perfect as only God is perfect. But the United States of America is by far the most amazingly generous and prosperous land of opportunity the world has ever known. And if you don’t believe this then I would encourage you to […]
I’m writing to show my support for the candidacy of David Karrick in his campaign to represent Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, Warner and Webster as one of our two State Representatives. David has served two terms in the Legislature where he served on the crucial Ways and Means Committee. He’s made tough decisions about taxation and […]
Many people have found the recent stories of the August rescue of animals from the New Hampton “White Gate Critter Sanctuary” heartbreaking. The racehorse Bristol’s death was tragic- as was all the suffering the other sick and malnourished animals went through. The only positive part is that someone intervened; most of them were rescued. There […]
On September 11, NH primary day, I will be voting for David Karrick for State Representative for Merrimack district 25, our beautiful towns of Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, Warner and Webster. I value experience and David ,as a previous member of the Ways and Means committee in Concord for two terms , has got it in […]
My name is David Karrick, and I celebrated America’s birthday by marching with friends and supporters in Andover’s wonderful parade. For four years, I had the honor of representing the citizens of Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, Warner and Webster in Concord. Now, with the support of my many friends in Merrimack District 25, I’m stepping forward […]
Andover has two State Representatives in the State House in Concord: one for Merrimack County District 1 (Andover, Danbury, Salisbury), and one for Merrimack County District 25 (Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, Warner and Webster). In the September 11 Primary, we will get to choose who represents us in District 25. My vote goes to David Karrick, […]
I thank everyone who gave me their vote of confidence two years ago to serve as your Representative. These two years have gone by very quickly, and I want to continue the momentum of what I said I would do for the constituents of Merrimack 25. Therefore, I am seeking my 2nd term for […]
Editor, Andover Beacon, I look forward to celebrating the “Blessings of Liberty,” as noted in the preamble to the Constitution, on the 4th of July on the village green. The Bill of Rights enshrines some of those blessings. High on my list are in the First Amendment: the freedom of religion, speech, the press, petition, […]
Letter From Concord: April 26 New Hampshire House Session: Senate Bill 391, Bill codifies the rights of sexual assault survivors, including the right to a medical examination at no charge; both Wells and Copp voted in favor of the Ought to Pass recommendation, bill was approved 315 to 22 after a motion for reconsideration by […]
I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the high degree of professionalism and commitment that our local Police Department demonstrates on a daily basis. Our Andover police officers show genuine interest in serving and protecting the people of Andover and are always courteous when interacting with their constituents. As for myself, I […]