There was a TV commercial in the 1970s that said, “You can’t fool Mother Nature.” She fooled us on the Fourth of July 2014. Due to the rains associated with Hurricane Arthur, this year’s parade and outdoor events on the Village Green had to be canceled. Andover is very fortunate to have a rich history […]
While June 4 was the last session scheduled for the year in the legislature, we will have to go back at least once to vote on the governor’s vetoes. Governor Hassan has already vetoed HB 1244, which would have prohibited the disclosure of lottery winners names. I thought not releasing lottery winners names was incredibly […]
Reconsideration: Having voted against a bill for two casinos – I made a promise to support only one casino – I asked for reconsideration of the vote on SB 366. Naturally, I am always torn between the supporters of no casinos and the supporters of one or more casinos. The no-casino vote brought in a […]
This past week was an eventful one at the capitol in Concord. Looking back a year and a half, we predicted that the so-called balanced budget left us by the preceding legislature was based on faulty calculations. Unfortunately, this came to pass when a New Hampshire court decision invalidated the Medicaid Enhancement Tax levies from […]
On Friday morning, February 28, we woke to our smoke-filled home that started as a chimney fire which unfortunately turned into a three-alarm fire. Andover and 11 other towns responded in the bitter cold, putting their lives on the line going in and out of the house, doing everything possible to put out the fire. […]
Keith Kellogg, an enthusiastic “supporter of life” both as a volunteer and by his profession as an electrician, was there at Hannaford’s of Tilton when I collapsed as a result of an adverse reaction to prescribed medication. He happened to be returning from a National Electric Code training update on the Life Safety Code. Based […]
I recently organized and held a benefit spaghetti dinner at the Elks Lodge in Franklin to raise funds for my neighbors, Steve and Cindy Waterstrat and their sons Kyle and Corey Wiley. This family lost their home and all of their belongings on February 28 due to a fire that originated in a recently-cleaned chimney. […]
The Senate Medicaid Expansion bill passed the House on a vote of 202 to 132. The House sends its bills to the Senate in what is called Crossover with a deadline of March 27. Accordingly, a mad rush is on to finish voting on all our bills by that date. This means two- and/or three-day sessions […]
I cannot thank my supporters and townspeople enough for showing me such wonderful support and for helping guide me into this position as a member of the Board of Selectmen. I am honored and delighted to be on the Board. Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns, comments, and recommendations. Sophie Viandier […]
I would like to thank Jon Champagne for the help and support he has given to the Andover Conservation Commission over the years he was Road Agent. Specifically we thank him for: meeting with the ACC regarding concerns over tree cutting on scenic roads; supporting and helping with the installation of “Beaver Deceivers” on Elbow […]