Andover High All-Class Reunion on July 11

Potluck lunch in Danbury starts at 10 AM

By Judy Perreault, AHS '53

Our Andover High School reunion is only a short time away, and this is a final reminder. The fun starts on Saturday, July 11, at 10 AM at the Ordway Recreational Area in Danbury. Bring a chair, drink, dish for pot luck, your memorabilia (wedding album), and your memories. We will once again cheer for our school, sing a few songs, […]

Far-flung Adventurers Bring Their Stories to Andover

Travel Night on Wednesday, May 27

Press release
Far-flung Adventurers Bring Their Stories to Andover

Four recent adventures in faraway places will be shared via slide presentations by Andover residents in the first of a series of Travel Nights to be offered on Wednesday, May 27, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM in the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover. The public is invited at no charge. The event has […]

Andover Lions to Celebrate 60th Anniversary

Monday, June 22, at Ragged Mountain

By Bill Leber, Andover Lions Club

The Andover Lions Club will be celebrating its 60th anniversary on Monday, June 22, at its annual Installation of Officers meeting. The meeting will be held at the Ragged Mountain Fish and Game Club and will include a social hour at 6 PM and dinner at 7 PM, with the meeting to follow. Former Lions […]

Andover Congregational Church, June 2015

Teen Challenge on June 28

By Sandy Miller, ACC

A total of $326 was collected for Samaritan’s Purse’s Give-a-Goat charity which gives cows, goats, sheep, chickens, etc. to third-world countries to help them provide for their own food. This month we are doing a “baby bottle collection” for the Care Net Pregnancy Center in Laconia. Bottles were passed out on Mother’s Day for people […]

Andover High School Reunion on July 11

By Judy Perreault, AHS '53

School days, school days, Dear old Golden Rule days… It’s hard to forget them when they played such an important part of our lives. Life-long friends were made, fields of interest explored, and careers chosen. For many of us, those days were a long time ago, but patterns established there have shaped and guided our […]

Andover Coffeehouse Wins Best in NH Award

Decatur Creek performs on June 19

Press release
Andover Coffeehouse Wins Best in NH Award

It’s now, officially, the “Award-Winning Andover Community Coffeehouse,” thanks to the New Hampshire Magazine Editor’s Pick as the “2015 Best Open Mic Night” in the Granite State. And the featured performers for the free “third Friday” event on June 19 will be Decatur Creek, an acoustic trio from Antrim specializing in folk, Americana, and ballads, […]

Andover Institute Holds Tours to Little-Visited Andover Places

Behind the scenes at Proctor; Camp Marlyn

By Larry Chase, Andover Institute
Andover Institute Holds Tours to Little-Visited Andover Places

The first two events in a continuing series of guided tours into area locations seldom visited by the public will be offered on two Saturday mornings in June. On Saturday, June 13, attendees will have an opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at Proctor Academy. On Saturday, June 27, they’ll be able to take a […]

New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family: May 2015

Spring Fling looks back at "The Good Old Days"

By Judy Perreault, NHCHF
New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family: May 2015

The New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family (NHCHF) state spring meeting was held recently at AE/MS. The theme was “The Good Old Days.” A get-acquainted game of “Who Am I ” had members questioning each other to find out what character they represented. There was a picture board of members from their earlier life, […]

Andover Service Club, May 2015

Four scholarship winners to be announced soon

By Mary Ofenloch, ASC president
Andover Service Club, May 2015

Now that spring has finally arrived, the flowers are blooming, the squirrels are running up and down the trees, the birds are nesting and feeding their young chicks, and the mosquitoes and black flies are annoying everyone. This is the time when the Andover Service Club (ASC) Flower Committee is busy planting, weeding, and beautifying […]