Andover High All-Class Reunion Planned for July 12

By Judy Poblenz Perreault, AHS '53

Just a reminder that the all-class Andover High School reunion will be held this year on Saturday, July 12. Once again we will be meeting at the Ordway Recreational Area in South Danbury. We will follow the same schedule as usual, with a meeting in the morning, pictures, and then our wonderful pot luck lunch […]

Vaudeville Returns to Danbury for Stage Curtain Fundraiser

May 10 at 7 PM at the Blazing Star Grange Hall

Press release
Vaudeville Returns to Danbury for Stage Curtain Fundraiser

On Saturday, May 10, at 7 PM, Wally Borgen’s vaudeville troupe will fill the Blazing Star Grange Hall in Danbury with music, comedy, and a hint of burlesque to help raise funds for the Blazing Star Grange’s historical stage scenery conservation project. A dessert social at 6:30 PM will precede the event. All are invited […]

Blazing Star Grange Farmer’s Market: May 2014

Grange Youth Day on Saturday, May 3

Press release

It’s Spring and time to get outdoors for the first Grange Youth Day at the Blazing Star Grange Winter Market! Blazing Star will be sponsoring some Danbury organizations that offer programs and activities for the youth of its community. Among the organizations and churches which will gather to entertain and inform youngsters with games, face […]

NHCHF Enjoys Program About the Telephone

Fun facts and much nostalgia

By Judy Perreault, NHCHF

One of our more interesting programs was about the telephone. It was titled Number Please, not a phrase we hear very often today, but when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, these two words were commonplace. The first phones installed required two lines into the home and were connected to each other. Over 1,000 lines were […]

Andover Energy Group Minutes, March 6, 2014

Residential wind workshop in May

Gathered at the Darlings’ home were Vicky Mishcon, Susan and Larry Chase, Steve and Gisela Darling, Andy Prokosch, Jeff Dickinson, and Janet Moore. Our first order of business was to discuss material for the AEG table on Town Meeting day. We decided on a tankless hot water heater, small size, various model cars and house, […]

Andover Service Club Seeks New Members and Volunteers

Serve the community while socializing with your neighbors

By Mary Ofenloch, Andover Service Club

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the word “volunteer” as a person who, of his/her own free will, offers himself/herself for a service or duty, “service” as the art of serving, and “community” as a body of people living in the same place under the same laws. The Andover Service Club (ASC) is a volunteer organization […]

New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family, April 2014

April meeting at AE/MS on the 26th

By Judy Perreault, NHCHF

Weather Folklore was our discussion at last month’s meeting of the New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family. Considering how unpredictable the weather has been lately, it was a timely topic. Wasn’t it Mark Twain who said, ” If you don’t like New England weather, wait a minute”? Throughout the ages man has been interested […]

Medical Reserve Corps Offers Vital, Meaningful Volunteer Opportunities

"One of the most rewarding experiences of my life."

By Heather Makechnie, MRC volunteer
Medical Reserve Corps Offers Vital, Meaningful Volunteer Opportunities

In his 2002 State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush called on all Americans to make a lifetime commitment of at least 4,000 hours – the equivalent of two years of their life – to serve their communities, the nation and the world. President Bush announced the creation of the USA Freedom Corps […]