Andover High School Plans Summer Reunion

Saturday, July 6 in South Danbury

By Judy Perreault, AHS ’53

The 2013 Andover High School reunion is just around the corner; can’t believe another year has passed. I had an aunt that said “the older you get, the faster the time goes by,” and I guess she was right. I look forward to seeing classmates from near and far. Some live right here in town […]

Andover Lions are Planning a Busy Summer

Seeking new members to help serve the community

By Joyce Egge, Andover Lions Club

The Andover Lions hosted an Open House on April 22 at 6 PM at Naughty Nellies for prospective new members and former members. An ice cream social with many toppings was provided by Naughty Nellies and was a big hit. We have one new member, Mrs. Laura Danforth, and are working on welcoming another one. […]

Andover Service Club Learns About Gardening for Wildlife

By Joyce Egge, Andover Service Club
Andover Service Club Learns About Gardening for Wildlife

Our April meeting was our Guest Night which consists of members inviting someone to attend with them, bringing a dish to share, and having an enjoyable evening of great food, fellowship, and wonderful entertainment. This year we held it at the East Andover Grange Hall. We had 48 members and guests. A short meeting was […]

Fred Marple Show Raises Scholarship Money

Service Club event gets local folks up on stage

Press release
Fred Marple Show Raises Scholarship Money

On April 20, the Andover Service Club (ASC) presented a production of Fred Marple of Frost Heaves, New Hampshire at AE/MS. This was a benefit for the ASC Scholarship Fund. Fred, played by humorist Ken Sheldon, performed skits with volunteers Lorraine Roberts, Mary Demers, Evelyn Davis, Joyce Egge, Marcus Johnson, Robert Ofenloch, and ASC President […]

NHCHF Shares Recipe for Taiwanese Treat

By Judy Perreault, NHCHF

In April we did not have our regular monthly meeting, as we attended the state spring workshop. With the approach of summer we would like to share one of our Taiwan recipes that was so delicious. Ingredients 4 cups of ice cubes or crushed ice 4 tablespoons condensed or evaporated milk Syrup 1/2 cup dark […]

Blackwater Grange: May 2013

By Bernice Nowell, Blackwater Grange

Blackwater Grange #152 met on April 11 with seven members attending and Master Nowell presiding. The meeting draped the charter in memory of Pauline Corson and Tyler Grace. Marcia McWethy reported that she rescued an eagle and took it to  someone who cares for wild animals. The members enjoyed a program, quizzes, and poems. The […]

26 Attend Workshop on Geothermal Energy Systems

Tapping the earth's heat for sustainable energy

By Maria Glorioso, Andover Energy Group
26 Attend Workshop on Geothermal Energy Systems

The Andover Energy Group, a local organization of volunteers, conducted its Geothermal Workshop on April 6 in the Andover Town Hall meeting room. The workshop was presented by two experts in the field who explained the “magic” of residential geothermal energy systems, which capture the nearly constant 50- to 55-degree temperature trapped below the earth’s […]