Reserve your place at the last one until fall
Press release
The next Senior Luncheon, and the last one of the spring season, is scheduled to take place at the Wilmot Community Association’s (WCA) Red Barn at noon on Thursday, April 16. The Wilmot Ladies Aid Society sponsors these popular social events in conjunction with the WCA and CAP in Concord, which provides food and support […]
"Caring Student Interns" could lead to other opportunities
Press release
New London Hospital (NLH) is pleased to announce that its 2015 Caring Student Intern (CSI) Program is scheduled for Monday, April 27 to Thursday, April 30. The CSI program is a four-day course that provides a unique hands-on learning experience for high school students to explore the health care industry and health care career opportunities. […]
Michele Harte, LNA, honored
Press release
New London, New Hampshire: On February 26, 2015, Michele Harte LNA was announced as the winner of the 2015 “Imagine The Possibilities Award” presented to one member of the Lake Sunapee Region VNA & Hospice staff each year at the agency’s Annual Meeting. Nominated by co-workers, the award is given to a staff member, many […]
Fixed price for four years of tuition, room, and board
Press release
Students entering Colby-Sawyer College in fall 2015 will have the option to enroll in a program that lets them know exactly what they will pay for the next four years not only for tuition, but also for room and board. It also guarantees that if a student satisfies the requirements of the Colby-Sawyer Price and […]
Celebrating the work of the Franklin Mayor's Drug Task Force
Press release
LRGHealthcare and the Franklin Mayor’s Drug Task Force invite you to share in an evening celebrating the work of the task force and its partners. This annual celebration will highlight substance abuse prevention efforts in Franklin and will focus on achievements and partnerships. The public is invited to attend and learn more about the Franklin […]
First Fridays in March and April
Press release
The Wilmot Community Association (WCA) and the Wilmot Public Library will offer “Friday Night at the Movies” at 7 PM on March 6 and April 3 at the Red Barn, 64 Village Road in Wilmot. The doors will open at 6:30 PM and the family-friendly movies will start promptly at 7 PM. Admission is free, […]
Learn more in Wilmot on March 19
Press release
Amy Lyon will present “Got Grit?” from 6 to 7:30 PM on Thursday, March 19, at the Wilmot Community Association’s (WCA) Red Barn at 64 Village Road in Wilmot. Amy, a fifth-grade teacher at Sutton Central School, recently received her doctoral degree in Educational Leadership from New England College. While researching her dissertation, she specifically […]
Thursday, March 19, at Wilmot's Red Barn
Press release
The next Senior Luncheon at the Wilmot Community Association’s (WCA) Red Barn will begin at noon on Thursday, March 19. The Wilmot Ladies Aid Society sponsors these popular social events in conjunction with the WCA and CAP in Concord, which provides food and support services for seniors in Merrimack County. Kathy Lowe will entertain after […]
Saturday and Sunday, March 28 and 29
Press release
The Kearsarge Maple Festival will take place on Saturday and Sunday, March 28 and 29, in Warner from 10 AM to 4 PM. Celebrate the maple season with us! Feast on a pancake breakfast with real maple syrup at the United Church of Warner from 7:30 to 10 AM; savor the rare treat of “sugar on snow” at the New Hampshire Telephone Museum; watch a […]
Vendors need to apply by March 1
Press release
The bandstand on the Wilmot Village Green may be buried with snow, but the board of directors of the Wilmot Farmers Market is planning that the snow will eventually melt and be replaced with green grass by opening day. Opening day is Saturday, June 27, and the market will run every Saturday through September. The board […]