Press release
Do bees need school? No, but it’s sure a big help to people who want to be beekeepers. It is time again for the bee school sponsored by the Kearsarge Beekeepers’ Association. Four classes will teach about the life cycle of the honeybee, how the colony works together, how to manage the hive for honey […]
First Day Franklin includes heated tent
Press release
The year 2015 will start with a thrill in Franklin on Thursday, January 1, as we welcome kayakers splashing and slicing through snow- and ice-filled Class IV rapids. This year marks the 34th annual New Year’s Day run on the Winnipesaukee River. It is a sight to see. Choose Franklin invites all businesses, organizations, and […]
All aboard at 4 PM at Wilmot's Red Barn!
Press release
Fun for the whole family will be on track starting at 4 PM Sunday, December 14. Thatis when the young and young-at-heart can climb aboard the third annual Wilmot Express, a town-wide holiday celebration. The Wilmot Express is a joint effort by the Wilmot Community Association (WCA), the Wilmot Volunteer Fire Department, and the Wilmot […]
65 vendors will be on hand
Press release
A record number of 65 vendors will participate in the Wilmot Community Association’s (WCA) annual Holiday Craft Fair set from 9 AM to 3 PM on Saturday, Dec. 6 at the New London Outing Club’s Indoor Center, 114 Cougar Court, New London. Admission is free, and includes a raffle ticket for items donated by the […]
Ministry serves Andover and area towns
Press release
Kearsarge Regional Ecumenical Ministries (KREM) was recently awarded a grant from The Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation to support KREM’s ongoing ecumenical mission of meeting emergency needs of people in the Kearsarge/Sunapee region when other services are not available. “Emergency needs of those in our area will definitely be on the rise now that the […]
Saturday, December 20, in Franklin
Press release
The Franklin Area Lions Club presents its annual Santa and Mrs. Claus Pancake Breakfast at the Soda Shoppe, Central Street, Franklin, on Saturday, December 20, from 7:30 AM- 10 AM. Tickets to the event are $5 each. Included in the ticket price are blueberry, chocolate chip, or plain pancakes and syrup, sausage, and juice, milk, or coffee. […]
A very sweet, affectionate fella
Press release

Say hello to Ringo! This handsome guy came to the shelter as a stray so his history is a bit of a mystery. We do know that he is a very affectionate fellow with a sweet disposition. He enjoys being held and receiving attention. Ringo has a bit of an independent spirit and seems to […]
Make reservations a week ahead
Press release

The next Senior Luncheon is scheduled at noon on Thursday, December 18, at the Wilmot Community Association’s (WCA) Red Barn in Wilmot. A hearty ham or turkey supper with home-baked cookies for dessert is on the menu. The entertainment will be provided by Susan Cancio-Bello, who will play seasonal favorites on the piano. There will […]
Press release

The Wilmot Ladies Aid Society (WLAS) will be hosting its famous Cookie Walk from 9 AM to 3 PM on Saturday, December 6 as part of the Wilmot Community Association’s Holiday Craft Fair. The Cookie Walk will be held at the site of the former middle school gym, now New London Rec., at 119 Cougar […]
Helping build sustainable food systems
Press release
Friday, October 24, Lakes Region General Hospital and Franklin Regional Hospital served over 200 meals that featured meat raised without non-therapeutic antibiotics. Joining alongside Health Care Without Harm and more than 200 other hospitals across the country (49 in New England and 1 of 2 in the state of New Hampshire), LRGHealthcare celebrated Food Day […]