By Lindy Heim, Wilmot Ladies Aid Society
The Wilmot Ladies Aid Society (WLAS) will be hosting its famous Cookie Walk from 9 AM to 2 PM Saturday, December 1, at a brand new location. This year, the WLAS wishes to support the Wilmot Community Association’s decision to expand its Holiday Craft Fair by hosting it at the New London Outing Club, site […]
Press release
The Wilmot Community Association (WCA) is seeking vendors for its annual Holiday Craft Fair set for 9 AM to 2 PM on Saturday, December 1, at the New London Outing Club’s Indoor Center, 114 Cougar Court in New London. “In response to comments from vendors and shoppers, we have decided to move the Holiday Craft […]
Press release
The Wilmot Community Association (WCA) is calling all bakers, artists, professionals and amateurs, young and young at heart, to unleash their creative spirit for the WCA’s second annual Gingerbread Showcase from noon to 3 PM on Saturday, November 17 at the Association’s Red Barn at 64 Village Road (next to the US Post Office) in […]
Press release
Members of the Franklin Regional Hospital Auxiliary (FRHA) are proud to present the 28th annual Lights of Memory Celebration, to be held on Sunday, December 2. FRHA members invite all to attend this wonderful holiday gathering. They are currently “selling” lights in memory of a loved one, and at 4 PM on December 2, guests […]
Press release
The Franklin Regional Hospital Auxiliary will host its fourth annual Holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, November 10, from 9 AM to 3 PM at Franklin Regional Hospital (FRH). Crafters and artists are needed. Join us for a fun day and a very worthy cause. The FRH Auxiliary is looking for area artists and crafters for […]
Press release
Press release It’s that time of year again! The Holidays are just around the corner, and it’s time for the Franklin Rotary Club’s annual Christmas Tree Sale. All trees for the Rotary sale come from the beautiful Rocks Christmas Tree Farm in Bethlehem, New Hampshire. But you don’t have to drive all the way to […]
By Heather Makechnie, for the Beacon
The Franklin Area Lions Club is sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast and Pictures with Santa on Saturday, December 15, from 7:30 to 10 AM at The Soda Shoppe, Central Street in Franklin. The cost is only $5 per person, with the proceeds benefiting community service projects. Have your photo taken with Santa as you tell him […]
By Mary Fanelli, Danbury Grange
By Mary Fanelli Danbury Grange The first of six Danbury Grange Winter Markets will open at 9 AM on Saturday, November 3, with freshly brewed coffee to accompany a sausage and egg sandwich prepared on site for vendors and early birds. A hot lunch will be offered to those who come later. Meals are reasonably […]
On Saturday, October 27, the Andover Fire Department will help
Press release
Andover and other participating communities are collaborating with LRGHealthcare for its 12th annual Senior Safety Day. On Saturday, October 27, members of the Andover/East Andover Fire Department are available to visit homes of seniors or those who need assistance with changing their smoke detector batteries free of charge. LRGHealthcare provides the batteries and replacement detectors […]
Press release Parenting does make the difference. There is no question about it! The research is clear and conclusive. Recent studies show that active parent involvement impacts and carries over to every part of life. That’s right, parents. You are the unsung heroes! You are making the difference! The Franklin Mayor’s Drug Task Force knows […]