Weekly Drop-In Art Group at the Red Barn

Thursdays at 12:30 PM

Press release

Join us weekly at 12:30 PM, Thursdays, at the Wilmot Community Association’s (WCA) Red Barn, 64 Village Road, for our drop-in art program. Bring your pastels, watercolors, or other medium, and join other artists of all abilities. This non-instructional group provides companionship, support and lots of fun while you work. Visit the WCA’s website at […]

WCA’s Annual Photography Contest Now Open

Photos must be taken in the Kearsarge-Sunapee region

Press release

The Wilmot Community Association (WCA) announces its annual photography contest. Hobbyists and professionals, kids, teens, and adults – everyone is welcome to submit their work. While anyone can enter, all photos must have been taken in the Kearsarge-Sunapee region. Entering the contest is free and all photos must be received by July 1. Twelve winners […]

Register now for the WCA’s Black Fly Blitz

Online registration available thru May 25

Press release

WILMOT – Online registration for the Wilmot Community Association’s 16th Black Fly Blitz will continue until 5 PM Saturday, May 25. Until May 25, race registration is free for children 11 years and younger and $25 for everyone 12 and older. On race day, registration will increase by $5 for everyone 12 and older. Registration […]

Summer Events Begin in the Lake Sunapee Region

Chambers of Commerce are catalysts for connections.

Press release
Summer Events Begin in the Lake Sunapee Region

As we start to lean into the warmer weather and the promise of sunshine, Lake Sunapee Region businesses and organizations are fluttering with plans for future events, additions of staff and hours to accommodate our upcoming summer travelers, and palatable energy and excitement. We love that this is where we get to live, work, and play […]

WHS Book Group Discusses Imperfect Union, on June 15

Press release

The Wilmot Historical Society’s (WHS) book group will discuss Imperfect Union by Steve Inskeep at 10 AM, Saturday, June 15, at the Wilmot Community Association’s Red Barn, 64 Village Road, Wilmot. Inskeep is a morning show host and reporter for NPR.  This book reviews John and Jesse Fremont. John Fremont explored the American West in the […]

Summer Music Associates 2024 Concert Season

Press release

Summer Music Associates will offer an outstanding concert season celebrating 51 years of extraordinary music. To open the season, on Saturday, June 22, at the Sawyer Center at Colby-Sawyer College, the 75-piece Boston Civic Symphony will be joined by Frederick Moyer, pianist, performing the Piano Concerto No. 2 in G minor Op. 22 by Camille […]

KNP Korner — May 2024

Press release

Kearsarge Neighborhood Partners (KNP) is a non-profit dedicated to building a communitywhere neighbors help each other flourish. We collaborate with over 40 community partners serving 10 towns in the Kearsarge region, matching the needs of neighbors with committed volunteers who can help in short-term or longer-term situations. Not only is the entire community healthier when […]

Franklin VNA and Hospice Receives $5,000 Grant

This grant was graciously provided by the Oleonda Jameson Trust

Press release

The Franklin VNA and Hospice is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a grant to further enrich our services to low-income, underinsured, and individuals with chronic conditions. This grant has been graciously provided by the Oleonda Jameson Trust in the amount of $5,000.  It will enable the Franklin VNA and Hospice to further […]

Elkins Fish & Game Club Awards Camperships

Ten children to attend Barry Conservation Camp in Berlin

Press release

The regular club meeting of the Elkins Fish and Game Club was held at the Tracy Memorial Library in New London. The Elkins Fish and Game Club awarded 10 camperships to children for summer programs at Barry Conservation Camp, located at the Berlin Fish Hatchery.  Attending the Fish Camp session will be Bradly Abair and […]

Kearsarge Area Chamber of Commerce Supports Beacon’s Expansion

May Schedule of events in three-mountain region

By Dan Watts

The Kearsarge Area Chamber of Commerce supports The Beacon’s goal to provide interesting articles and advertisements for the entire region encompassing all three mountains: Kearsarge, Sunapee, and Ragged. We hope you have enjoyed these three months of great reading. We encourage you to consider a subscription at only $49 annually, delivered to you monthly. If […]

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