It’s summer, take a day off from cooking. Starting with breakfast when – my, oh my – there’s nothing like pie. The Wilmot Community Association (WCA) is holding its annual Pie Breakfast from 8 to 11 AM on Saturday, July 8 at the Red Barn, 64 Village Road, Wilmot. Bring your appetite! A delectable selection […]
Take the night off and enjoy some great music and a delicious supper from 6 to 7:30 PM at the Wilmot Bandstand at the intersection of Kearsarge Valley and Village roads. The Wilmot Community Association (WCA) will be serving Amber’s famous chowder. Nick’s Other Band will be playing rock ‘n’ roll favorites. Along with chowder, […]
We had a great turnout for our opening day at the Farmers Market despite the cool rainy day. We will continue to have fresh farm eggs, homemade jams and jellies, English muffin loaf, honey and honey byproducts, maple syrup, soaps and lotions, mustards as well as homemade pies. Pies can be ordered and picked up […]
Board Attendees: Alex Bernhard, Steve Darling, George Heaton, Lindy Heim, Myra Mayman, Chris Norris Guests: Allan Beetle (Laconia), Elaine Clough (Boscawen), Bruce Crawford (Boscawen), Ricker Miller (Andover), Prescott Towle (Epsom) Co-President Myra Mayman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM; concluded at 8:15. Business Matters: The Minutes of the May meetings were approved […]
The July Open House at the Tucker Mountain School will be held on Sunday, July 9 from 1 to 3 PM. Visitors can enjoy some homemade cookies and lemonade while browsing through the Andover Historical Society’s collection of old school books. Among the books on display is an 1867 copy of The Young Dreamer by […]
Tom & Tom’s Men’s Discussion Group Mondays at 8:45 AM We want to hear your stories and we’ll share a few of our own. Come visit over an endless cup of coffee! This is a walk-in program. French Discussion Group First and Third Mondays at 4:15pm Join this casual, friendly group to practice your language […]
Well, spring has come, albeit grudgingly, and after two work Saturdays in late April and early May, we are up and underway. “The Secret Garden” in the stone cellar hole of the Richard Potter home, is raked out, ready for sitting and contemplating; a shady, beautiful escape on a hot summer’s day. The Red Caboose, […]
We wish each of you a Happy Summer! Happy Summer! It does feel like it has finally arrived. The Missions Committee continues to be busy. Mitch Foreman of the “Chosen People Ministries” recently brought us a message from God’s Word for Pentecost Sunday – relating the Old Testament promises to our New Testament reality in […]
Pam Sanborn, a resident of New London, will share her experience of walking over 500 miles carrying everything she needed on her back, as well as the life lessons learned from the experience, in a presentation with photos on Wednesday, July 12, at 7 PM in the Highland Lake Grange Hall in East Andover. The […]