Wilmot Historical Society Petitions to Buy Land 

Vote for Articles 31 and 32 at Town Meeting

Press release

WILMOT — The Wilmot Historical Society (WHS) has long outgrown its space in the Town Office at 9 Kearsarge Valley Road. The WHS has placed a petitioned warrant article (#31) on the list of warrants for Town Meeting this year, asking the Town to allow them to purchase two acres of Town-owned land on Pine […]

Ragged Mountain Resort Celebrates 60th Anniversary

Friday, March 21, through Sunday, March 23

Press release

DANBURY — Ragged Mountain first opened in January 1965 with a T-Bar lift and a Hall Double Chair. The first winter saw minimal snow and less-than-ideal conditions — one skier even described it as “ragged,” with water pipes sticking out and non-functional plumbing. Since then, we’ve come a long way.  From expanding terrain and adding […]

Wilmot Talks Trash

March 12, at 2 PM, in the Library

By Dave Nelson

WILMOT — So, what makes up the trash that Wilmot sends to landfill, and how much trash does Wilmot send to the landfill each year? There are two streams of trash that go to landfill from the Wilmot Transfer Station. The first is the municipal solid waste (MSW) put in the compactor. The second stream […]

Kearsarge WindowDressers Provides Storm Windows

Volunteers fabricated 192 window inserts

Press release

NEW LONDON — Many thanks to all who participated in the Kearsarge WindowDressers Community Build of custom interior-mounted storm windows in November, co-sponsored by Kearsarge Climate Action (KCA) and Kearsarge Neighborhood Partners (KNP) at Saint Andrews Episcopal Church in New London. Over five days, 85 volunteers gathered, many working multiple four-hour shifts as supervisors, insert […]

KNP Korner News

By Nancy Allenby

NEW LONDON — Did you know KNP has an account at the Repeat Boutique consignment store in Andover, inside and upstairs at the Circle K minimart? When the store sells clothing dropped off for the KNP account, it holds the profit in our account. This past week, a neighbor assisted by KNP advocates, was thrilled […]

Franklin VNA & Hospice Sponsors Volunteer Trainings

Thursdays, April 24–May 15, noon to 3 PM

Press release

FRANKLIN — Volunteering can be one of the most powerful experiences a person can have. When you volunteer, you give your time to help touch the lives of others, and when that volunteering is for those who are on home hospice, you gain the opportunity to change someone’s life for the better. Franklin VNA & […]

Church Invites Viewers for The Six Triple Eight Movie

February 28, 6:30 PM, at First Congregational Church, Wilmot

Press release

WILMOT — Free movie and popcorn February 28! Black History Month was officially recognized by Gerald Ford in 1976, calling the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans…throughout our history.”  The 2025 Black History Month theme, “African Americans and Labor,” focuses on the ways that work of all […]

Program Explores Fierce Females Who Redefined Creativity

March 7, 6:30 PM, Tracy Memorial Library

Press release

NEW LONDON — Looking for something fun and inspiring to do? Next month, dive into the fascinating world of female artists, with “Fierce Females: Women in Art,” a captivating program led by Jane Oneail. This program is presented in partnership with Tracy Memorial Library and will take place inside their vital community gathering space, on […]

The Beacon Offers Franklin a Section for their News

Franklin's tangible news: the “Trestle Times”

Press release

ANDOVER/FRANKLIN — Franklin now has a newspaper presence, thanks to collaboration with The Beacon (of Andover), through the work of local resident Randy Kovach. Randy approached The Beacon with the idea of dedicating a portion of its monthly paper to news from Franklin, and the Trestle Times was born. This section was launched in the […]

Presentation Discusses Status of New Hampshire’s Moose

Wednesday, March 26, 7 PM, at The Hub

Press release

ANDOVER — The natural history of moose, where they are most likely to be found in the state and how climate change is affecting their survival, will be the focus of a presentation on Wednesday, March 26, at 7 PM, at The Andover Community Hub. Educating the audience about moose in our area will be […]