Music on the Wilmot Bandstand, a joint effort of the Town of Wilmot, the Bandstand Committee, and the Wilmot Community Association (WCA), will present six free summer concerts on Saturdays from 6 to 7:30 PM from July 11 through August 15. Concerts will be on the Wilmot Town Green at the intersection of Kearsarge Valley […]
Franklin Regional Hospital (FRH) is excited to once again host a weekly summer Farmers Market in collaboration with the Franklin Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) coalition. Please join local vendors on the lawn at FRH on Tuesday afternoons from 3 to 6 PM beginning on Tuesday, July 7, and continuing through the summer season. Encouraging healthy lifestyles […]
The Andover Service Club has just completed its Scholarship Program for the 2015 academic year. We are delighted to announce that a total of $4,000 was given to four very deserving students. To be considered for a scholarship, applicants must have a close, personal relationship to the town of Andover. The awards are made on […]
Now that fiscal year 2014-15 has come to a close, the Andover Service Club (ASC) is looking forward to a year of new and better times. On June 10, ASC held its annual spring luncheon at 74 Main in New London. Following a very delicious lunch, the slate of officers for fiscal year 2015-16 was […]
Our Andover High School reunion is only a short time away, and this is a final reminder. The fun starts on Saturday, July 11, at 10 AM at the Ordway Recreational Area in Danbury. Bring a chair, drink, dish for pot luck, your memorabilia (wedding album), and your memories. We will once again cheer for our school, sing a few songs, […]
Tom & Tom’s Men’s Discussion Group Mondays 8:45am We want to hear your stories and we’ll share a few of our own. Come visit over an endless cup of coffee! French Discussion Group First and Third Mondays at 4:15pm Join this casual, friendly group to practice your language skills and have fun. Participants at all […]
Plans are in place for the first-ever Franklin High School (FHS) Alumni Weekend on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, August 7, 8, and 9. In celebration of the 45th anniversary of our graduation from Franklin High School, the Class of 1970 invites all alumni to the best reunion ever to “Visit, Reminisce, Explore – A Weekend […]
Would you like to visit some of our local farms and homes with gardens in Danbury? The Historical Society invites you to participate in this special event. If you have a farm, vegetable garden, or flower garden in Danbury and would like to be included in the tour, let us know. Saturday, June 27 Time: […]
New Hampshire Telephone Museum Alzheimer’s Cafe In Honor and Memory of Alice B. Violette and Phyllis B. Hoar “By choosing to call it the Alzheimer’s Cafe, we’re determined to counter the stigma and misconceptions about these diseases. In spite of the name, “Alzheimer’s Cafe”, we leave the disease at the door and celebrate the […]