Andover – Andover residents will have an opportunity to meet Kelly George, the new principal at Andover Elementary Middle School, at “Coffee with the Principal” at The Andover Community Hub on Tuesday, August 20 at 7 PM, as a part of The Hub’s “Coffee with the Chief” series. This is an opportunity for Ms. George […]
Andover – On Father’s Day, June 16, a special “Mission Sunday” was held where the regular sermon was replaced with reports from our Mission Committee members on what we have been up to during the past year in fulfilling our Lord’s commands to love, give, and serve others as well as to go into all […]
Salisbury – Salisbury’s Old Home Day will start on Friday, August 9 at the Maplewood Ballfield at 4:30 PM with a cruise night for classic vehicles. There will be concessions. At dusk there will be a spectacular fireworks display sponsored by the Salisbury Haunted Woods and TDS Telecom. Many activities and vendors will be set […]
Wilmot – Wilmot Historical Society’s (WHS) book group will discuss Children of Ash and Elm Union by Neil Price at 10 AM, on Saturday, September 14, at the Wilmot Community Association’s Red Barn, 64 Village Road, Wilmot. The Viking Age saw an unprecedented expansion of the Scandinavian peoples into the world. Price is a distinguished […]
Wilmot – The Wilmot Community Association (WCA) will have a Bandstand Supper on Saturday, July 20, on the town green at 9 Kearsarge Valley Road, Wilmot. Come listen to vintage jazz with a western swing flavor of the Hot Skillet Club band and enjoy a hot dog, chili and fish chowder dinner. Music begins at […]
Wilmot – Please join the Wilmot Community Association (WCA) at 12 PM, on Monday, August 5, for our monthly lunchtime Eat and Greet at the Red Barn, 64 Village Road. Bring your bag lunch and chat with this month’s local “celebrity” guest, Jason Wood, Wilmot Post Office clerk. Jason will answer your questions such as: […]
Wilmot- Join butterfly enthusiast George DeWolf for an introduction and overview of butterflies at 1:30 PM on Sunday, July 28 at the Red Barn, 64 Village Road. George’s presentation will focus on the butterfly species that are commonly found in Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Following the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to visit the […]
SALISBURY – August brings Old Home Day to Salisbury on the weekend of August 9, 10, 11. If you have items for the Salisbury Historical Society’s White Elephant Sale, you may bring them to the Old Baptist Meeting House on Saturday, August 3, from 9 to 11 AM. Please, no books or electronics. Look for […]
SALISBURY – Summer Reading Storyhours, August 6 at 5 PM. We are very lucky to have local author Matt Forrest Esenwine coming to read us a couple of his books and do crafts with us! Please join us. August 10 – Old Home Days in Salisbury. The Library will host a book sale from 8 […]
Salisbury – The Salisbury Farmers Market will open every Monday starting on June 24 and run until September 30 with the exception of holidays. The hours are 3 to 6 PM, located at 645 Old Turnpike Road in Salisbury. Like us on Face Book at