Present: Larry Chase, Steve Darling, Pecco Beaufays, Janet Moore, Vicky Mishcon, Andy Prokosch, Jeff Dickinson Larry, Susan, Vicky, and Steve reported on their May visit to Vital Communities in White River Junction, Vermont re: a residential solar group purchase project for Andover. Vital Communities is interested in having Andover participate in a project that might […]
After a very wintery winter, summer is finally here, and we can look forward to the warm, sunny weather ahead. It’s hard to believe ice-out on Highland Lake was just eight weeks ago, with the resident loons returning the very next day. Highland Lake had 141 days of ice coverage this winter, which compares to […]
This year, the renowned South Danbury Church Fair will be held on Saturday, July 26, from 8 AM to 3 PM at the church at 1411 US Route 4 in South Danbury. The fair features a wide array of activities for young and old alike, from readings and music to a huge yard sale and […]
“Mill Girls” was the last program for the New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family’s Halcyon Seekers before we take a summer break. I’m sure many folks remember when the textile mills in New Hampshire were up and running. A majority of people in the area worked in the mills. At one time, New Hampshire […]
This is the last notice before the Andover High School all-class reunion on Saturday, July 12. Our get-together will take place at them Ordway Recreational Area, Walker Brook Road, in South Danbury at 10 AM. Look for the blue and white balloons on Route 4 at the end of Walker Brook Road. In the morning, […]
On Wednesday, June 11, the ladies of the Andover Service Club (ASC) met at 74 Main (formerly the Millstone Restaurant) in New London for the annual June luncheon. The agenda included opening words by Margo Coolidge, committee reports, and bylaws updating. The Executive Board for fiscal year 2014-2015 was unanimously elected. They are: President, Mary […]
July 2014 Programs and Activities Tom & Tom’s Men’s Discussion Group Mondays 8:45am We want to hear your stories and we’ll share a few of our own. Come visit over an endless cup of coffee! French Discussion Group First and Third Mondays at 4:00pm Join this casual, friendly group to practice your language skills and […]
This sweet girl is Allie. Allie was surrendered to the Franklin Animal Shelter by her previous owner. She is quite affectionate and loves attention. Allie is 10 years old. She is spayed, litter box trained, and up-to-date on all her vaccinations. Don’t let her age fool you – while she is certainly not a kitten […]
Runners and bicyclists from around New England are expected to participate in the inaugural Rail Trail Run and Ride event being held on Saturday, September 27, providing a day-long opportunity to expose your business or organization to a new audience. A Family Festival on Proctor Academy’s Carr Field will follow 100K and 50K bike races […]