Plans are underway for the 10th annual Choose Franklin Community Day, sponsored by the Franklin Rotary Club, which will be held on Saturday, May 10 at Odell Park in Franklin. The event will begin with a parade at 10 AM which will step off at Franklin High School and proceed easterly to downtown, turning on […]
As the snow diminishes in April warmth (we hope), Blazing Star Grange Hall opens its doors in Danbury for a busy month of activities. Come to the “Spring” Winter Farmers Market on Saturday, April 5, from 9 AM to 1 PM. Some vendors are bringing out their spring line of clothing and jewelry, Easter candies, […]
On Saturday, April 19 at 7 PM, Cardigan Mountain Tradition, a popular local bluegrass band, will donate their time and talents to bring an evening’s performance to the Blazing Star Grange Hall in Danbury. This is the second of four benefit performances by area musicians to support the historic scenery restoration project, which includes a […]
The Speaker Series at the South Danbury Christian Church is turning Friday nights into a “hot spot” on our cold and snowy winter landscape, and the March schedule promises more of the same. “We have a great roster of presenters, talking about timely and interesting topics” explains Kathy Neustadt, one of the series’ organizers, “and […]
LRGHealthcare is actively seeking Reiki practitioners for our new Volunteer Reiki program. Reiki is a non-intrusive healing technique that complements medical treatment. LRGHealthcare will proudly offer Reiki services in our Hematology/Oncology Unit, Surgical Services at Lakes Region General Hospital and Franklin Regional Hospital, and upon request. Reiki can activate the body’s natural ability to heal. […]
Button Up, New Hampshire! That’s the message the New Hampshire utilities are spreading to homeowners through a series of energy- saving workshops around the state. Tracy Memorial Library, 304 Main Street, New London, will be hosting a Button UP New Hampshire workshop on Tuesday, March 25, from 7 to 8:30 PM. This free workshop, open […]
The Blazing Star Grange #71 Curtain Restoration Committee has been meeting regularly at the home of Tom Curren and Kathy Neustadt in South Danbury to make plans to raise funds to refurbish the Danbury Grange’s unique set of historic stage scenery. Most of the scenery was painted by Egbert L. Foster in the early 1920s. […]
Beauty, color, and fragrance. Food for your senses in Spring, Summer, and Fall! The Andover Service Club garden volunteers strive to provide all this for those passing by the Andover Town Hall or the Thrift Shop. We maintain the garden by the roadside, by the Town Office entrance, and around the building as well as […]
The last springtime Senior Luncheon before taking a summer break will take place at noon on Thursday, April 17, at the Wilmot Community Association (WCA) Red Barn in Wilmot Flat. The Wilmot Ladies Aid Society sponsors these popular outings in conjunction with the WCA and CAP in Concord, which provides food and support services for […]