Wilmot Harvest Luncheon Draws Crowd of 80

Gourmet meal from local growers and food producers

Press release

In its commitment to bringing neighbors together, the Wilmot Community Association (WCA) sponsored the Harvest Home Luncheon on Saturday, September 28 to showcase locally grown and produced foods and products. The event was a great success. Lots of local growers, food producers, and dedicated volunteers participated. Nearly 80 people enjoyed the four-course gourmet meal. Many […]

WCA Celebrates 50 Years Serving Wilmot and Surrounding Towns

Potluck at the Red Barn on October 26

Press release

The Wilmot Community Association (WCA) will celebrate its first 50 years of bringing neighbors together with a potluck supper starting at 5:30 PM on Saturday, October 26 at the Red Barn, 64 Village Road, Wilmot. Bring your favorite dish to share with your friends and neighbors. The WCA will provide beverages and dessert – a […]

Laura Powers’ Cookies Kick Off Holiday Events at the Red Barn

Decorate holiday cookies on November 19

Press release

The Wilmot Community Association has several workshops, activities, and programs lined up for November and early December at the Red Barn.  Holiday Sugar Cookies Learn how to decorate holiday cookies with Laura Powers of Andover-based Extraordinary Taste starting at 6 PM Tuesday, Nov. 19 at the Wilmot Community Association (WCA) Red Barn on 64 Village […]

Franklin Animal Shelter Pet of the Month: Precious

Domestic short-hair cat with a sweet disposition

Press release
Franklin Animal Shelter Pet of the Month: Precious

This is Precious! This girl definitely lives up to her name with her sweet disposition and loving spirit. Precious is a domestic short-hair, adult, female. She is spayed, litter box trained, and current on all her vaccinations. She is very affectionate and is quite content to sit quietly in your lap. Precious sustained a broken […]

Blackwater Grange #152, October 10, 2013

Press release
Blackwater Grange #152, October 10, 2013

The Blackwater Grange #152 met on October 10 for a delicious turkey dinner for 29 Grange members, friends, and family. General Deputy Arthur Merrill and his wife Beth were present. A number of Grange members received awards for how long they’ve been members: Esther Grace, 70 years Irene Jewett, 60 years Judy Evans, 55 years […]

Fundraising in Full Swing for Service Club Scholarships

Thanksgiving Pies, Gifts Galore raffle

Press release

Every year, the Andover Service Club (ASC) awards merit scholarships to outstanding high school seniors and continuing-education college students. In order to fund these scholarships, fundraisers are held throughout the year. On Tuesday, November 26 and Wednesday, November 27 at the Circle K in Potter Place, pies of every variety will be sold from 11 […]

Andover Service Club, October 9, 2013

By Mary Ofenloch, ASC President

On Wednesday, October 9, the Andover Service Club (ASC) met at the Masonic Lodge in Potter Place. President Mary Ofenloch opened the meeting at 10 AM, welcomed everyone, and asked new members to introduce themselves. Opening words on “Autumn” and “Volunteerism” were read by Lorraine Roberts. The usual committee reports were read and accepted by […]

Andover Lions Golf Outing Begins Busy Season

Community projects, Halloween party, calendar raffle, and more

By Joyce Egge, Andover Lions Club
Andover Lions Golf Outing Begins Busy Season

The Andover Lions Club held another successful golf tournament on September 23. Seventeen teams participated. Prizes were given for the longest drive, closest to the pin, and a hole-in-one. Andover Lion Brett Barselle won closest to the pin, and Derek Lytle won the longest drive. The winning teams for the men were Zac O’Day, Joe […]

Free, Hands-On Energy Efficiency Workshop to Lower Energy Costs

Saturday, November 9 in East Andover

Press release
Free, Hands-On Energy Efficiency Workshop to Lower Energy Costs

A hands-on workshop for local homeowners interested in lowering their energy costs will be offered by a young Andover resident who is rehabbing her house from basement to attic in order to improve its energy efficiency. Demonstrating techniques she learned at Yestermorrow Design and Build School in Waitsfield, Vermont, Sophie Viandier will open her small […]